Rev. 10-19 Subject to Change
Prosper Fire Rescue
Fire Marshal’s Office
PO Box 307
1500 E. First Street
Prosper, Texas 75078
Phone (972) 346-9469 Fax (972) 347-3010
Requirements to obtain a Certificate for Stocking & Training
As part of the Prosper Fire Marshal’s Office inspection program, the following information is provided to assist
with obtaining a CTST.
Please review all of your approved plans and documents for accuracy. Always refer to your IBC & IFC as well as
the Prosper Amendments and processes found on our website @
Sprinkler Suppression System
a) All water-based suppression systems shall be 100% operational with a final inspection acceptance report
Wet pipe, Dry pipe, Pre-action, Standpipe and/or any other water-based suppression systems
b) All inspection reports, contractor close-out documents & certifications on file with the PFD
Fire Alarm System
a) All fire alarm systems shall be 100% operational including all control functions with a final inspection
acceptance report. Control functions shall include but not limited to:
All HVAC controls, Elevator control & functionality, Access control, etc.
b) All inspection reports, contractor close-out documents & certifications on file with the PFD
Alternative Suppression System
a) All alternative suppression systems shall be 100% operational with a final inspection acceptance report
Kitchen hood suppression, Dry chemical, Clean gas, and Pre-action systems
b) All inspection reports, contractor close-out documents & certifications on file with the PFD
Life Safety Features
a) Fire barrier/wall marking and integrity
b) Hand portable fire extinguishers of proper size and quantity, installed with current tags affixed
c) Blue Card for a signature to obtain the CTST on-site at the time of inspection
Web page: Email Correspondence:
Technical Questions: 972-346-9469 General Questions: 972-347-2424
Name of Business: _________________________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________________
Street City State Zip
Signed: _____________________________________ Date: ______________________
Printed Name: ________________________________ Phone Number: _____________________
By signing the above, you acknowledge that you have read & understood without exception all requirements
necessary to obtain a Certificate to Stock & Train.