Fire Fighter 2
(NFPA Fire Fighter II)
Certification Task Book (2013)
Revised January 2020
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Office of the State Fire Marshal
State Fire Training
Fire Fighter 2 Certification Task Book (2013)
This certification task book includes the certification training standards set forth in the Fire
Fighter 2 Certification Training Standards Guide (2014), which is based on: NFPA 1001: Standard
for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications (2013) and NFPA 1051: Standard for Wildland Fire
Fighter Professional Qualifications (2012).
Published by: State Fire Training, 2251 Harvard Street, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95815
(916) 568-3800.
Revised: January 2020
Cover photo courtesy of Dave Boyce, Almanac News.
The State Fire Training certification task book is a performance-based document that identifies
the minimum requirements necessary to perform the duties of that certification. Completion of
a certification task book verifies that the candidate has the required experience, holds the
required position, and has demonstrated the job performance requirements to obtain that
State Fire Training holds the opinion that a Fire Fighter 1 or Fire Fighter 2 certification candidate
may initiate a task book and obtain verification signatures for job performance requirements
(JPR) demonstrated during training. A fire chief retains the option to require a candidate to
repeat any JPR completed and signed off on during training and to document that performance
with a second signature in the candidates task book.
Each job JPR shall be evaluated after the candidate initiates the task book.
An evaluator may verify satisfactory execution of a JPR through the following methods:
First-hand observation
Review of documentation that verifies prior satisfactory execution
State Fire Training task books do not count towards the NWCG task book limit. There is no limit
to the number of State Fire Training task books a candidate may pursue at one time if the
candidate meets the initiation requirements of each.
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Fire Fighter 2 Certification Task Book (2013)
It is the candidates responsibility to routinely check the State Fire Training website for updates
to an initiated task book. Any State Fire Training issued update or addendum is required for task
book completion.
A candidate must complete a task book within five years its initiation date. Otherwise, a
candidate must initiate a new task book using the certifications current published version.
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Roles and Responsibilities
The candidate is the individual pursuing certification.
The candidate shall:
1. Complete all Initiation Requirements.
Please print or type.
The candidate shall:
1. Complete all Job Performance Requirements.
Ensure that an evaluator initials, signs, and dates each task to verify completion.
2. Complete all Completion Requirements.
3. Sign and date the candidate verification statement under Review and Approval with a
handwritten signature.
4. Obtain their chiefs handwritten (not stamped) signature on the fire chief verification
5. Create and retain a physical or high-resolution digital copy of the complete task book.
The candidate shall:
1. Submit a copy (physical or digital) of the completed task book and any supporting
documentation to State Fire Training.
See Submission and Review below.
A candidate should not submit a task book until they have completed all requirements and
obtained all signatures. State Fire Training will reject and return an incomplete task book.
An evaluator is any individual who verifies that the candidate can satisfactorily execute a job
performance requirement (JPR).
An evaluator may verify satisfactory execution through the following methods:
First-hand observation
Review of documentation that verifies prior satisfactory execution
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A qualified evaluator is designated by the candidates fire academy and holds an equivalent or
higher-level certification. If no such evaluator is present, the fire academy shall designate an
individual with more experience than the candidate and a demonstrated ability to execute the
job performance requirements.
A task book evaluator may be, but is not required to be, a registered skills evaluator who
oversees a State Fire Training certification exam.
A certification task book may have more than one evaluator.
All evaluators shall:
1. Complete a block on the Signature Verification page with a handwritten signature.
2. Review and understand the candidate's certification task book requirements and
3. Verify the candidates successful completion of one or more job performance
requirements through observation or review.
Sign all appropriate lines in the certification task book with a handwritten signature
or approved digital signature (e.g. Docusign or Adobe Sign) to record demonstrated
performance of tasks.
Fire Chief
The fire chief is the individual who reviews and confirms the completion of a candidates
certification task book.
A fire chief may identify an authorized designee already on file with State Fire Training to fulfill
any task book responsibilities assigned to the fire chief. (See State Fire Training Procedures
Manual, 4.2.2: Authorized Signatories.)
The fire chief shall:
1. Confirm that the candidate has obtained the appropriate signatures to verify successful
completion of each job performance requirement.
Ensure that all Job Performance Requirements were evaluated after the initiation
2. Confirm that the candidate meets the Completion Requirements.
3. Sign and date the Fire Chief verification statement under Review and Approval with a
handwritten signature.
If signing as an authorized designee, verify that your signature is on file with State
Fire Training.
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Fire Fighter 2 Certification Task Book (2013)
Submission and Review
A candidate should not submit a task book until they have completed all requirements and
obtained all signatures. State Fire Training will reject and return an incomplete task book.
To submit a completed task book, please send the following to the address below:
A copy of the completed task book (candidate may retain the original)
All supporting documentation
State Fire Training
Attn: Cashier
PO Box 997446
Sacramento, CA 95899-7446
State Fire Training reviews all submitted task books.
If the task book is complete, State Fire Training will authorize the task book and retain a
digital copy of the authorized task book in the candidates State Fire Training file.
If the task book is incomplete, State Fire Training will return the task book with a
notification indicating what needs to be completed prior to resubmission.
Completion of this certification task book is one step in the certification process. Please refer to
the State Fire Training Procedures Manual for the complete list of qualifications required for
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Initiation Requirements
Candidate Information
SFT ID Number:
Fire Agency:
Initiation Requirements
The following requirements must be completed prior to initiating this task book.
State Fire Training confirms that there are no prerequisites for initiating this certification task
State Fire Training confirms that there are no education requirements for initiating this
certification task book.
State Fire Training confirms that there are no position requirements for initiating this
certification task book.
Fire Chief Approval
State Fire Training confirms that a Fire Chiefs approval is not required to initiate this task book.
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Signature Verification
The following individuals have the authority to verify portions of this certification task book
using the signature recorded below.
Please print except for the Signature line where a handwritten signature is required. Please add
additional signature pages as needed.
Job Title:
Job Title:
Job Title:
Job Title:
Job Title:
Job Title:
Job Title:
Job Title:
Job Title:
Job Title:
Revised January 2020
Fire Fighter 2 Certification Task Book (2013)
Job Performance Requirements
The candidate must complete each job performance requirement (JPR) in accordance with the
standards of the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) or the National Fire Protection Association
(NFPA), whichever is more restrictive.
All job performance requirements (JPR) must be completed within a California fire agency or
Accredited Regional Training Program (ARTP).
For job performance requirements (JPR) that are not part of a candidates regular work
assignment or are a rare event, the evaluator may develop a scenario or interview that supports
the required task and evaluate the candidate to the stated standard.
Each job performance requirement (JPR) shall be evaluated after the candidates fire chief
initiates the task book.
Fire Fighter 2: Structure
Fire Department Communications
1. Complete a basic incident report, given the report forms, guidelines, and information, so
that all pertinent information is recorded, the information is accurate, and the report is
complete. (NFPA 6.2.1) (CTS 2-1)
Evaluator Signature: ______________________________ Date Verified: _____________
2. Communicate the need for team assistance, given fire department communications
equipment, SOPs, and a team, so that the supervisor is consistently informed of team
needs, departmental SOPs are followed, and the assignment is accomplished safely.
(NFPA 6.2.2) (CTS 2-2)
Evaluator Signature: ______________________________ Date Verified: _____________
Fireground Operations
3. Extinguish an ignitable liquid fire, operating as a member of a team, given an
assignment, an attack line, personal protective equipment, a foam proportioning device,
a nozzle, foam concentrates, and a water supply, so that the correct type of foam
concentrate is selected for the given fuel and conditions, a properly proportioned foam
stream is applied to the surface of the fuel to create and maintain a foam blanket, fire is
extinguished, reignition is prevented, team protection is maintained with a foam stream,
and the hazard is faced until retreat to safe haven is reached. (NFPA 6.3.1) (CTS 3-1)
Evaluator Signature: ______________________________ Date Verified: _____________
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4. Coordinate an interior attack line for a teams accomplishment of an assignment in a
structure fire, given attack lines, personnel, personal protective equipment, and tools, so
that crew integrity is established; attack techniques are selected for the given level of
the fire (e.g., attic, grade level, upper levels, or basement); attack techniques are
communicated to the attack teams; constant team coordination is maintained; fire
growth and development is continuously evaluated; search, rescue, and ventilation
requirements are communicated or managed; hazards are reported to the attack teams;
and incident command is apprised of changing conditions. (NFPA 6.3.2) (CTS 3-2)
Evaluator Signature: ______________________________ Date Verified: _____________
5. Control a flammable gas cylinder fire, operating as a member of a team, given an
assignment, a cylinder outside of a structure, an attack line, personal protective
equipment, and tools, so that crew integrity is maintained, contents are identified, safe
havens are identified prior to advancing, open valves are closed, flames are not
extinguished unless the leaking gas is eliminated, the cylinder is cooled, cylinder
integrity is evaluated, hazardous conditions are recognized and acted upon, and the
cylinder is faced during approach and retreat. (NFPA 6.3.3) (CTS 3-3)
Evaluator Signature: ______________________________ Date Verified: _____________
6. Protect evidence of fire cause and origin, given a flash- light and overhaul tools, so that
the evidence is noted and protected from further disturbance until investigators can
arrive on the scene. (NFPA 6.3.4) (CTS 3-4)
Evaluator Signature: ______________________________ Date Verified: _____________
Rescue Operations
7. Extricate a victim entrapped in a motor vehicle as part of a team, given stabilization and
extrication tools, so that the vehicle is stabilized, the victim is disentangled without
further injury, and hazards are managed. (NFPA 6.4.1) (CTS 4-1)
Evaluator Signature: ______________________________ Date Verified: _____________
8. Assist rescue operation teams, given standard operating procedures, necessary rescue
equipment, and an assignment, so that procedures are followed, rescue items are
recognized and retrieved in the time as prescribed by the AHJ, and the assignment is
completed. (NFPA 6.4.2) (CTS 4-2)
Evaluator Signature: ______________________________ Date Verified: _____________
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Prevention, Preparedness, and Maintenance
9. Perform a fire safety survey in an occupied structure, given survey forms and
procedures, so that fire and life safety hazards are identified, recommendations for their
correction are made to the occupant, and unresolved issues are referred to the proper
authority. (NFPA 6.5.1) (CTS 5-1)
Evaluator Signature: ______________________________ Date Verified: _____________
10. Present fire safety information to station visitors or small groups, given prepared
materials, so that all information is presented, the information is accurate, and questions
are answered or referred. (NFPA 6.5.2) (CTS 5-2)
Evaluator Signature: ______________________________ Date Verified: _____________
11. Prepare a preincident survey, given forms, necessary tools, and an assignment, so that
all required occupancy information is recorded, items of concern are noted, and
accurate sketches or diagrams are prepared. (NFPA 6.5.3) (CTS 5-3)
Evaluator Signature: ______________________________ Date Verified: _____________
12. Maintain power plants, power tools, and lighting equipment, given tools and
manufacturers’ instructions, so that equipment is clean and maintained according to
manufacturer and departmental guidelines, maintenance is recorded, and equipment is
placed in a ready state or reported otherwise. (NFPA 6.5.4) (CTS 5-4)
Evaluator Signature: ______________________________ Date Verified: _____________
13. Perform an annual service test on fire hose, given a pump, a marking device, pressure
gauges, a timer, record sheets, and related equipment, so that procedures are followed,
the condition of the hose is evaluated, any damaged hose is removed from service, and
the results are recorded. (NFPA 6.5.5) (CTS 5-5)
Evaluator Signature: ______________________________ Date Verified: _____________
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Experience and Position Requirements
The candidate meets the following experience requirements.
6 months year full-time paid or 1 years volunteer/recruit or part-time paid experience in
a recognized fire agency in California as a Fire Fighter performing suppression duties
Agency Experience Start Date End Date
The candidate meets the qualifications for this level of certification. The position requirement is
met when the applicant fulfills the role of the specific duties as defined by the Fire Chief.
Supporting Documentation
State Fire Training confirms that there are no supporting documentation requirements for this
job function certification.
The candidate has completed and enclosed all updates to this certification task book released
by State Fire Training since its initial publication.
Number of enclosed updates: ________________
Completion Timeframe
The candidate has completed all requirements documented in this certification task book within
five years of its initiation date.
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Review and Approval
Candidate (please print): _________________________________________________________
I, the undersigned, am the person applying for Fire Fighter 2 certification. I hereby certify under
penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California, that the completion of all
requirements documented herein is true in every respect. I understand that misstatements,
omissions of material facts, or falsification of information or documents may be cause for
rejection or revocation.
Signature and Date: _____________________________________________________________
Fire Chief
Candidates Fire Chief (please print): ________________________________________________
I, the undersigned, am the person authorized to verify the candidates qualifications for Fire
Fighter 2 certification. I hereby certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of
California, that the completion of all requirements documented herein are true in every respect.
I understand that misstatements, omissions of material facts, or falsification of information or
documents may be cause for rejection.
Signature and Date: _____________________________________________________________
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