Financial Conflict of Interest in Research Procedures
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before the anniversary of the original official award). Such annual disclosure shall include
i. any information that was not disclosed initially to JWU (with an explanation as to why it
was not previously disclosed); and
ii. updated information regarding any previously disclosed Significant Financial Interest (e.g.,
the updated value of a previously disclosed equity interest).
Review and Monitoring Process
6. In keeping with 42 C.F.R. § 50.604(d), JWU has designated as its Institutional Official its provost (or the
provost’s designee) to solicit and to review Disclosures from each Investigator who is planning to participate
in, or is participating in, federallysponsored Research. The Institutional Official may enlist the assistance of
other university personnel as appropriate.
7. JWU has established a committee to review FCOIs (“FCOI Review Committee”) and to assist the
Institutional Official as appropriate at any time in the Review and Monitoring Process. The FCOI Review
Committee shall include the provost, the chief financial officer, and the general counsel.
8. Promptly after submission of a Disclosure, the Institutional Official shall confirm that a Significant Financial
Interest exists and, if so, whether an FCOI exists. An FCOI will exist when the Institutional Official
determines that a Significant Financial Interest could directly and significantly affect the design, conduct, or
reporting of federallysponsored Research.
9. If the Institutional Official determines that an FCOI exists, the Institutional Official shall determine whether
the FCOI can be managed and, if so, shall develop (or require the Investigator to develop) and implement a
written Management Plan within the meaning of 42 C.F.R. § 50.604(g). The Institutional Official may
require the Investigator to supplement the Disclosure with additional information as reasonably necessary.
10. Before any federally
sponsored Research goes forward, the affected Investigator must agree to and sign the
Management Plan, and the FCOI Review Committee must, by a majority vote, approve the Management Plan.
11. A Management Plan shall include, at minimum, one or more of the following steps in keeping with FCOI
regulations and the nature of the FCOI:
a. Public disclosure of the FCOI (e.g., when presenting or publishing the Research)
b. For Research involving human subjects, disclosure of the FCOI directly to the subjects
c. Appointment of an independent monitor
d. Modification of the plan of Research
e. Change of personnel or personnel responsibilities or disqualification of the affected Investigator
from participation in all or a portion of the Research
f. Reduction or elimination of the Significant Financial Interest (e.g., sale of the relevant equity
g. Severance of relationships that create the FCOI
h. A plan for ongoing monitoring of the Investigator
12. For awards issued by the National Science Foundation (NSF), and in accordance with Chapter IX.A. of the
NSF’s Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide, if the reviewer(s) determine(s) that imposing
conditions or restrictions would be either ineffective or inequitable, and that the potential negative impacts
that may arise from a Significant Financial Interest are outweighed by interests of scientific progress,
technology transfer, or the public health and welfare, then the reviewer)s) may allow the research to go
forward without imposing such conditions or restrictions.