Financial Conflict of Interest in Research Policy
Johnson & Wales University (JWU) employees and, as may be required by agreement or policy, agents,
consultants, representatives, and other affiliated individuals will strive to safeguard the university’s financial,
legal, and reputational standing and their own credibility and reputations, by promoting objectivity while
engaged in research activities.
JWU’s Procedures for Identifying and Addressing Financial Conflict of Interest in Research (the “Procedures”),
which are based on federal regulations published at 42 CFR Part 50, Subpart F, are intended to honor that
commitment through the management of financial conflicts of interest (FCOIs) that may arise during research
activities supported by federal agencies including, without limitation, the National Science Foundation (NSF)
and the U. S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), which includes the Public Health Services’
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Health
Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Substance
Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
Many private foundations also require their grantees to abide by the regulations cited above. Unless otherwise
directed by law or university policy, individuals employed by or affiliated with JWU who intend on seeking
funding from, or who are engaged in research funded by, such foundations will also be required to follow the
Financial Conflict of Interest in Research Procedures
Terms and Authority
With the exception of terms defined in these Procedures, capitalized terms are defined in 42 C.F.R. § 50.603 and
elsewhere in the Public Health Services (PHS) FCOI regulations.
If Research is supported by a non-PHS agency or organization with its own requirements governing disclosure,
management, and reporting of financial conflicts of interest, and if those requirements are not specifically
addressed in these Procedures, then the more restrictive requirements must be followed unless otherwise
required by law, university policy, or specific award provisions.
Investigator Responsibilities
1. Prior to seeking or engaging in any federally sponsored Research, every Investigator must review and
become familiar with JWU’s FCOI Policy and FCOI regulations.
2. Prior to seeking or engaging in any federally sponsored Research, every Investigator must successfully
complete the following courses [or other federally compliant courses approved by the Institutional Official,
whose responsibilities are described at 42 C.F.R. §50.604(d)] through the Collaborative Institutional
Training Initiative (CITI):
a. Financial Conflicts of Interest: Overview, Investigator Responsibilities, and COI Rules (ID 15070)
b. Institutional Responsibilities as They Affect Investigators (ID 15072)
These courses shall be referred to as Mandatory Training.
3. Every Investigator shall complete Mandatory Training at least every four years and, additionally, any time
a. JWU revises its FCOI Policy in any manner that affects the requirements to which the Investigator
is subject;
b. an Investigator is new to JWU; or
c. JWU finds that an Investigator is not in compliance with JWU’s FCOI Policy or Management Plan
(discussed below).
Disclosure of Significant Financial Interests
4. A Disclosure of Significant Financial Interests (“Disclosure”) shall include all Significant Financial Interests
of the Investigator (and also those of the Investigator’s spouse, domestic partner, and/or dependent children)
a. reasonably appear to be related to the Investigator’s Institutional Responsibilities; or
b. involve any reimbursed or sponsored travel related to the Investigator’s Institutional
Responsibilities (including at minimum the purpose of the trip, the identity of the
sponsor/organizer, the destination, and the duration).
5. Each Investigator must submit a Disclosure using JWU’s Disclosure of Significant Financial Interests
form(s)as follows:
a. Prior to submitting an application for federallysponsored Research
b. Within 30 days of acquiring (e.g., through purchase, marriage, or inheritance) or discovering a new
Significant Financial Interest
c. At least annually, in accordance with the specific time period prescribed by JWU (within one week
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before the anniversary of the original official award). Such annual disclosure shall include
i. any information that was not disclosed initially to JWU (with an explanation as to why it
was not previously disclosed); and
ii. updated information regarding any previously disclosed Significant Financial Interest (e.g.,
the updated value of a previously disclosed equity interest).
Review and Monitoring Process
6. In keeping with 42 C.F.R. § 50.604(d), JWU has designated as its Institutional Official its provost (or the
provost’s designee) to solicit and to review Disclosures from each Investigator who is planning to participate
in, or is participating in, federallysponsored Research. The Institutional Official may enlist the assistance of
other university personnel as appropriate.
7. JWU has established a committee to review FCOIs (“FCOI Review Committee”) and to assist the
Institutional Official as appropriate at any time in the Review and Monitoring Process. The FCOI Review
Committee shall include the provost, the chief financial officer, and the general counsel.
8. Promptly after submission of a Disclosure, the Institutional Official shall confirm that a Significant Financial
Interest exists and, if so, whether an FCOI exists. An FCOI will exist when the Institutional Official
determines that a Significant Financial Interest could directly and significantly affect the design, conduct, or
reporting of federallysponsored Research.
9. If the Institutional Official determines that an FCOI exists, the Institutional Official shall determine whether
the FCOI can be managed and, if so, shall develop (or require the Investigator to develop) and implement a
written Management Plan within the meaning of 42 C.F.R. § 50.604(g). The Institutional Official may
require the Investigator to supplement the Disclosure with additional information as reasonably necessary.
10. Before any federally
sponsored Research goes forward, the affected Investigator must agree to and sign the
Management Plan, and the FCOI Review Committee must, by a majority vote, approve the Management Plan.
11. A Management Plan shall include, at minimum, one or more of the following steps in keeping with FCOI
regulations and the nature of the FCOI:
a. Public disclosure of the FCOI (e.g., when presenting or publishing the Research)
b. For Research involving human subjects, disclosure of the FCOI directly to the subjects
c. Appointment of an independent monitor
d. Modification of the plan of Research
e. Change of personnel or personnel responsibilities or disqualification of the affected Investigator
from participation in all or a portion of the Research
f. Reduction or elimination of the Significant Financial Interest (e.g., sale of the relevant equity
g. Severance of relationships that create the FCOI
h. A plan for ongoing monitoring of the Investigator
12. For awards issued by the National Science Foundation (NSF), and in accordance with Chapter IX.A. of the
NSF’s Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide, if the reviewer(s) determine(s) that imposing
conditions or restrictions would be either ineffective or inequitable, and that the potential negative impacts
that may arise from a Significant Financial Interest are outweighed by interests of scientific progress,
technology transfer, or the public health and welfare, then the reviewer)s) may allow the research to go
forward without imposing such conditions or restrictions.
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13. The Institutional Official shall monitor compliance with the Management Plan and shall collaborate with
the FCOI Review Committee to determine and impose remedies for noncompliance, which might include
(among other remedies) suspending or terminating the Research.
14. If at any time the Institutional Official or any member of the FCOI Review Committee discovers that an
Investigator failed appropriately to disclose a Significant Financial Interest, the Investigator will be required
to complete, sign, and submit a Disclosure. Assessment of the Disclosure will proceed in the manner outlined
15. If at any time the Institutional Official or any member of the FCOI Review Committee discovers that an
FCOI was not disclosed or managed appropriately, the FCOI Review Committee will, within 120 days of
discovery, complete a retrospective review of the affected Investigator’s activities to determine whether any
of the Research was biased in design, conduct, or reporting. The Institutional Official and the FCOI Review
Committee may request additional information from the affected Investigator as reasonably necessary. The
retrospective review will include the following at minimum:
a. Project number, if any, assigned by the Institutional Review Board
b. Project title
c. Name and contact information for Principal Investigator
d. Name of the affected Investigator (if different from the Principal Investigator)
e. Name of the entity with which the Investigator has an FCOI
f. Reason(s) for the retrospective review
g. Detailed methodology used for the retrospective review
h. Findings of the retrospective review
i. Conclusions of the retrospective review
16. Based on the outcome of the retrospective review, the Institutional Official may develop or implement a
Management Plan (if one does not exist) or modify the Management Plan (if one exists); take steps to
mitigate bias; and take other steps, which might include (among other things) the following:
a. Require the Investigator to complete additional training
b. Undertake additional audits or monitoring
c. Require that subjects be notified and/or be asked to sign updated consent forms
d. Impose sanctions or require additional remedies to be determined based on the circumstances
e. Suspend or terminate the Research
In the case of clinical Research related to a drug, medical device, or treatment, the Investigator must disclose
the FCOI in all public presentations of the Research results and request that previous publications be
amended to include the disclosure.
17. JWU shall ensure all subrecipients’ compliance with the FCOI regulations by entering into a written
agreement with each subrecipient specifying whether JWU’s FCOI policy or the applicable policy of the
subrecipient shall apply to subrecipient Investigators. Among other things, the agreement shall specify when
subrecipients shall report FCOIs to JWU, such that JWU may satisfy its reporting requirements.
Reporting to Sponsor(s)
18. Should any FCOI or noncompliance require reporting to a federal sponsor, the Institutional Official shall
report it in accordance with the FCOI regulations. If the funding for the Research is a subaward from a prime
federal sponsorship awardee, reports shall be made to the prime awardee such that the prime awardee may
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fulfill its reporting obligations to the federal sponsor prior to the expenditure of any federal funds and within
60 days of any subsequently identified FCOI.
19. For awards issued by NSF, and in accordance with Chapter IX.A. of the NSF’s Proposal & Award Policies &
Procedures Guide, JWU will notify NSF’s Office of the General Counsel if JWU finds that it is unable to
satisfactorily manage a conflict of interest and if JWU finds that research will proceed without the imposition
of conditions or restrictions because imposing them would be either ineffective or inequitable, and the
potential negative impacts that may arise from a Significant Financial Interest are outweighed by interests
of scientific progress, technology transfer, or the public health and welfare.
20. If JWU identifies an FCOI and eliminates it prior to the expenditure of any federal funds, JWU will not be
required to submit an FCOI report to the applicable federal agency.
Public Accessibility
21. Prior to the expenditure of federal funds, JWU will ensure public accessibility of information, via response
to a requestor within five business days of the request, about any Significant Financial Interest that meets
the following criteria:
a. The Significant Financial Interest was disclosed and is still held by the Investigator;
b. A determination has been made that the Significant Financial Interest is related to the federally -
funded Research; and
c. A determination has been made that the Significant Financial Interest is an FCOI.
The information to be made available shall be consistent with the requirements of PHS regulations.
22. To the extent permitted by law, all Disclosures, Management Plans, and related information will be
confidential. However, JWU may make such information available to the agency funding an Investigator’s
Research or to a requestor of information concerning an FCOI related to federalfunding or to the primary
entity that made the funding available JWU, if requested or required.
Record Retention
The Institutional Official will retain all disclosure forms, conflict management plans, and related documents for
a period of at least three years from the date the final expenditure report is submitted to the federal agency or to
the prime awardee or such longer period as JWU policy or applicable law may require.
Related Documents:
Conflict of Interest and Commitment Policy
Policy on Pursuit and Administration of Grants and Cooperative Agreements
Disclosure of Significant Financial Interests (SFIs) form
Policy Contact(s):
Policy issues or concerns should be directed to the
provost or the provost’s designee.
Grant compliance issues should be directed to the director of grants & sponsored program
Originally Issued: July 8, 2019
Policy Owner: Provost
Grants & Sponsored Program Administration 4.4.2019
Part A
Disclosure of Significant Financial Interests (SFIs)
vestigator information:
E-mail address
Preferred phone #
Role in the project
Principal Investigator
Other Senior/Key Personnel
(if not JWU)
Project information:
Beginning date
Click or tap to enter a date.
Ending date
Click or tap to enter a date.
Sponsor (if any)
Type of Disclosure:
Choose an item.
Most recent date financial conflict of interest (“FCOI”) training was completed: Click or tap to enter a date.
Please respond to the questions below to di
sclose SFIs as defined in 42 C.F.R. §50.603 that may reasonably
appear to relate to your Institutional Responsibilities, also as defined in 42 C.F.R. §50.603.
Publicly Traded Entity
Have you, your spouse/domestic partner, or your dependent child received any income or payment
for services from any publicly traded entity in the past 12 months that exceeds $5,000 in the
aggregate and that may reasonably appear to relate to your Institutional Responsibilities?
Do you, your spouse/domestic partner, or your dependent child own stock, stock options, or any
other ownership interest in any publicly traded entity that exceeds $5,000 in value in the aggregate
and that may reasonably appear to relate to your Institutional Responsibilities? (Equity interest
does not include interests in mutual funds and retirement funds in which you do not directly
control investment decisions.)
Non-Publicly Traded Entity
Have you, your spouse/domestic partner, or your dependent child received any income or payment
for services from any non-publicly traded entity in the past 12 months that exceeds $5,000 in the
aggregate and that may reasonably appear to relate to your Institutional Responsibilities?
Do you, your spouse/domestic partner, or your dependent child own stock, stock options, or any
other ownership interest in any non-publicly traded entity that exceeds $5,000 in the aggregate and
that may reasonably appear to relate to your Institutional Responsibilities?
Intellectual Property
Have you, your spouse/domestic partner, or your dependent child received any payments in the
past 12 months for any intellectual property rights or interests (e.g., patents, copyrights assigned or
licensed to a party other than JWU) exceeding $5,000 and that may reasonably appear to relate to
your Institutional Responsibilities?
Disclosure of Significant Financial Interests (SFIs) Part A
Page 2
Grants & Sponsored Program Administration 4.4.2019
Have you, your spouse/domestic partner or your dependent child received any travel
reimbursement or been sponsored for travel (i.e., travel expenses paid and not reimbursed so that
the exact monetary value may not be readily available) within the last 12 months when such travel
related to your Institutional Responsibilities? (This does not include travel sponsored or
reimbursed by a federal, state, or local government agency, a U.S. institution of higher education or
an affiliated research institute, an academic teaching hospital, or a medical center.)
If you answered “Yes” to any of the questions above, please complete Part B of this form.
I have read, understand, and will comply with JWU’s Conflict of Interest and Commitment Policy and
Financial Conflict of Interest Policy.
The information provided above and in any attachments hereto (a) reflects any and all of my SFIs related to
my Institutional Responsibilities and (b) truthfully, completely, and accurately reflects my SFIs to the best of
my knowledge.
I agree to comply with any conditions or restrictions imposed by JWU for the purpose of managing, reducing,
or eliminating actual or potential conflicts of interest in connection with this grant. If I am unable to comply, I
understand that JWU may decline the grant or terminate the PHS-funded Research.
Name (please print)
The following people (or roles) meet the definition of Investigator for the above project, and I certify that they all
will comply with the disclosure requirements of the JWU Financial Conflict of Interest Policy:
Name (please print)
_____ No Financial Conflict of Interest appears to exist.
_____ A Financial Conflict of Interest may exist. No Research may go forward until the requisite Management
Plan is in place, and the sponsor has been notified.
Name (please print)
Grants & Sponsored Program Administration 4.4.2019
Part B
Disclosure of Significant Financial Interests
Please complete this page for each entity in which you have a Significant Financial Interest (“SFI”). Use a
different page for each person (i.e., you, your spouse/domestic partner, or dependent child) who has an SFI.
For further guidance, please see JWU’s Financial Conflict of Interest Policy and
42 C.F.R. Part 50, Subpart F.
Investigator information:
E-mail address
Preferred phone #
Information of person with SFI (if different from above):
Email address
Preferred phone #
Entity in which the Investigator (or Investigator’s spouse/domestic partner or dependent child) has an SFI:
Form of compensation
Fees (e.g., honoraria, consulting, authorship, etc.)
Stock, stock option, or other ownership interest
Intellectual property interest
Other: ______________________________________________________________________________
Approximate value of compensation
Description of compensation
Description of relationship to the entity
and/or work performed for it
Relationship of work to Institutional
Responsibilities, including Research
Sponsored travel
Duration of trip
Approximate value (if known)