Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
Degree Audit Form
VCCS Email Address Emplid Phone Number
A completed degree audit form is required of all students who have attempted more than 150 percent of the credit hours
required to complete their program of study. You must submit this form with your appeal to be reconsidered for aid.
STUDENT: Please take this form to your academic advisor. Have your academic advisor complete the remainder of
this form and sign and date. You will also need to sign and date below.
ADVISOR: Please complete the reminder of this form for the student indicated above. List ALL of the courses
that the student must complete for his or her program. Sign and date the form.
Program of Study: ___________________________________________
Total remaining credits needed to complete program: _______________ Anticipated date of graduation: ____________
Courses not yet completed that are required for
Student’s Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ____________________
Advisor’s Name/Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ______________________
Title: _______________________________________ Department: ____________________________________
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click to sign
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