Cerritos College - Financial Aid Educational Plan
Student Name: Student #: Educational Goal: AA/AS AA & Transfer Transfer ‐ BA/BS Certificate
Phone: E‐mail: Academic Plan (Major): AA‐T or AS‐T
Do you have a bachelors’ degree? Yes
Transfer Institution:
Have you attended other colleges? Yes No If yes, please list them here:
Transfer Semester:
Total Units Required for Educational Goal Units (Exclude from total: AED 48.05 (Engl 15), Engl 20, Read 41, 42, 43 AED 49.01 (Math 20), Math 40) Catalog Year:
I understand that I cannot exceed the maximum time frame of 150%. I understand the Financial Aid Office has the authority to approve some or all of the courses on this list.
Student Signature: Date: Counselor Signature: Date: Ext:
Counselor notes:
Revised 5/6/15
Area B1 or B2 ‐ History or Government
Area B3 ‐ Social & Behavioral Science
Area C1 or C2 ‐ Fine Arts & Humanities
Area D1 ‐ English Composition
Area D2 ‐ Communication & Analytical Thinking
Remedial / English and Math Prep
*Financial Aid does not cover AED 48.05 & 49.01
Instructions for Student: Please complete section 1 of this form. Your counselor will complete section 2. Sign section 3 on the bottom of this form.
Instructions for Counselor: Please mark each course or area that the student is required to complete to finish their program. List any major courses along with pre‐requisites.
Area A1 ‐ Oral Communication
Area A2 ‐ Written Communication
Area A3 ‐ Critical Thinking
Area B1 ‐ Physical Science
Area B2 ‐ Biological Science
Area C1 or C2 ‐ Fine Arts /Humanities
Area D1 ‐ American History
Area D2 ‐ American Government
Area D3 ‐ Soc., Pol., Hist., and Econ
Area E ‐ Self Development
Plan C– Transfer CSU/UC ‐ IGETC
Area 1A – English Composition
Area 4 ‐ Social & Behavioral
Area 1B ‐ Critical Thinking /
English Composition
Area 1C ‐ Oral Communication
Area 5A ‐ Physical Sciences
Area 2 ‐ Math Concepts &
Quantitative Reasoning
Area 5B ‐ Biological/Life Sciences
Language Other Than English
Area 3A or 3B ‐
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