Revised 10/23/2019
Financial Aid Academic Progress Appeal Form
Student Information
Name_________________________________________________ Date __________________________
Address_______________________________________________ ID #___________________________
City/State/Zip__________________________________________ Phone (____) ____________________
Last semester of attendance at LSCPA: ______________________ Expected graduation date: _________________
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
The Financial Aid Office has established guidelines (based on federal regulations) for evaluating your academic progress. The
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards are defined at
Although you are currently on Financial Aid Suspension, it is possible to have your eligibility for Title IV Federal Student Assistance
reviewed if mitigating circumstances were responsible for this deficiency. The Financial Aid Appeals Team will review requests for
reinstatement. Completion of the Financial Aid Academic Appeal Progress Form does not assure reinstatement of Title IV financial
assistance, nor does it relieve individuals of future appeals.
Steps to Appeal:
1. Complete the Financial Aid Academic Progress Appeal Form.
2. Type a statement explaining why you did not meet the terms of LSCPA’s academic progress policy. All statements MUST
include the following:
a. An explanation and supporting documentation of the extenuating circumstances.
b. An explanation of how you have resolved the issues which prevented you from meeting Satisfactory Academi
3. You must schedule an appointment to meet with an Academic Advisor to develop an Academic Plan. BY APPOINTMENT
4. Complete the Financial Avenue module on “College and Money.” Accessed through
the Financial Aid Homepage. Registration Access code: LamarPA
The extenuating circumstance that prevented me from making satisfactory academic progress is (check one):
Serious medical condition or injury
requiring extended recovery time.
Personal problems (family issues, housing
problems, etc.).
Death or serious illness of an immediate
family member (parent, child, sibling).
Juggling too much (work, school, family).
Illness (recent or long term).
Job related problems.
Military Service.
Other ______________________________
Supporting Documents Included: ___Yes ___No
Initial Each Statement Below
_____ I understand that my financial aid has been removed and I am responsible for any charges that I may incur if this appeal is
not granted.
_____ I understand that I must have a “C” or better in all courses that I am registered for; grades of “W”, “I”, “Q”, “F”, and “DD” and
“DF” are all punitive grades and will nullify the terms of my appeal if granted.
_____ I understand that if I withdraw, receive an “F”, “Q”, “I”, “DD” or “DF” from any course I register for, this will nullify the terms
of an approved appeal and I go back on financial aid suspension.
I hereby certify that all information contained in this appeal, including the personal statement and documentation, is true, accurate
and complete. WARNING: If you purposely give false or misleading information, you may be fined, sent to prison, or both.
Student’s Signature ___________________________________________ Date _____________________