RCC Form 018 Business Start Up Pamplet For Website (536810)__v3 February 2015 Page 1 of 1
When your business idea has developed into a plan and you need to
know about licensing and / or consent requirements – we can help.
We want to help you understand the compliance requirements and associated regulations
for your business. The Business Start-up meeting will gather key staff from within Council
to provide information and help you with your plans. This may include resource consents,
building consents, environmental health (food and alcohol licences) and/or transport
To gather the most useful advice we will need to know some details about your business,
so please fill in the form below and bring it in or forward it with the relevant documents to:
Business Start-up Meeting
Kāpiti Coast District Council,
175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu 5032
Private Bag 60601, Paraparaumu 5254
Council use only
Date Lodged:
Formally Received:
For enquiries: phone 04 296 4700 or toll free 0800 486 486 email: resource.consents@kapiticoast.govt.nz
Physical address of proposed business:
Type of business: (eg. Hairdresser, café, home business)
Please describe in detail your business proposal (include further pages if necessary). Attach copies of any notes from previous
consultations with Council staff (e.g. duty planner, health officer or building planner) and site plans or drawings.
We will contact you to organise a time to meet.