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Updated 14 August 2019
Certification of Student
I hereby lodge one digital copy of my final thesis with the Adelaide Graduate Centre.
My thesis incorporates any and all required amendments.
I certify that the digital copy is a direct equivalent of the copy of my thesis approved by the University for the award of the degree.
No emendation of content has occurred, and if there are any minor variations to formatting, they are a result of the conversion to
Adobe Acrobat format.
I am aware that I am responsible for ensuring that the inclusion of the full text of the thesis in the AR&S Digital Repository will not
jeopardise any future commercial publication plans.
I hereby grant to the University of Adelaide or its agents the right to archive and to reproduce and communicate to the public my
thesis or dissertation in whole or in part in the University libraries in all forms of media, now or hereafter known. I retain
ownership of copyright and all other proprietary rights, such as patent rights. I also retain the right to use in future works (such as
articles or books) all or part of this thesis or dissertation.
Section(s) of my thesis contain third party copyright material.
If ticked:
I have obtained and attached copies of written permission from the copyright holder(s) to use some or all of this material. For
assistance regarding copyright permissions contact the University's Copyright Coordinator: copyright@adelaide.edu.au
I give permission for any third party copyright for which I have not obtained permission to be removed from the digital
copy of my thesis. I have attached an errata sheet listing pages, sections and/or numbered figures that need to be removed
for publication in the AR&S Digital Repository.
Student name (Please print)
Signature here
Certification of School
I have read and checked the final digital thesis and confirm that the candidate has made any required amendments to the
satisfaction of the School.
Principal Supervisor’s name (Please print)
Signature here
I approve the submission of the thesis for completion of the degree.
Head of School OR Postgraduate Coordinator’s name
(Please print)
Signature here
Please note that if the Head is also one of the supervisor(s), the Postgraduate Coordinator must complete the certification. If the
Postgraduate Coordinator is one of the supervisors, then the Head or Deputy Head must provide the certification. If both Head and
Postgraduate Coordinator are supervisors, then the Deputy Head must provide the certification. If the Deputy Head is also a supervisor,
the certification should be provided by another senior academic staff member.
Ph: (08) 8313 5882
Fax: (08) 8313 5725
Email: graduate.centre@adelaide.edu.au
Web: www.adelaide.edu.au/graduatecentre