PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT • 2345 Providence Blvd, Deltona, FL 32725
Phone: (386) 878-8600 • Fax: (386) 878-8601
Identify distances between separate buildings (if applicable)
Onsite vehicular circulation systems for bicycles, cars, trucks, and/or required vehicle types,
showing connections to related off-site facilities.
All adjacent rights-of-way, including all existing and proposed, centerlines and widths,
pavement widths, acceleration/ deceleration lanes, existing median cuts, driveways and
intersections, street light poles, and power company facilities.
Onsite and connections to off-site pedestrian systems.
Type, size, and location of all existing and proposed utilities, including water sewer, electric,
gas, communication and the providers of such utilities.
Existing and proposed fire hydrant locations and water main sizes.
Direction of drainage flows, retention/detention facilities, and their association with project
Identify known wildlife corridors, habitats, plants, and/or animals for Federal and State
endangered species, threatened species or species of special concern (if applicable)
Identify known historic and archaeological sites.
Location and screening of a solid waste disposal system and provisions for accessibility to
refuse collection and recycling trucks.
Bicycle parking, mass transit loading (bus stop) areas, if any, and provisions for accessibility
to vehicles of the required type.
Proof of taxes paid on all affected parcels
Application and fees for City Wetland Alteration Permit (if applicable)
Areas for emergency vehicles and fire engines and provisions for accessibility to vehicles of
the required type through the use truck turning simulation shown on the plan (typically
includes plans to accommodate a WB-40 or greater wheelbase).
Design of all paved areas, including dimensions, cross sections, radii and elevations, plans
for traffic-control signs and pavement marking
Location of all floodplain areas, established base flood elevations (BFE), and any proposed
finished floor elevations (FFE)
Storm water management construction plan calculations, which includes the computation of
pervious and impervious surface areas, in square footage and percentage.
Construction type(s), building floor areas, including a floor area ratio calculation, elevations,
sizes, types, and typical floor plans.