K&HP Program Worksheet (USP 2015)
JUNIOR-SENIOR YEARS (60 credit hours)
Only students who meet KIN 3021 entrance/pre-requisite requirements may complete 3000/4000 level KIN/HLED coursework
and move forward in the last two years of the K&HP Professional Program. Exceptions to this policy that may be completed
prior to meeting KIN 3021 entrance/pre-requisite requirements are: HLED 3020, HLED 4005, HLED 4020, HLED 4030, KIN
2050, KIN 3050, and KIN 3060, KIN 4090; only nine (9) credits from this list may be completed prior to entrance into KIN
Degree Requirements: 120 Credit Hours – to include 48 Credit Hours of 3000-4000 Level Coursework
To be eligible to enroll in upper division coursework as part of the Kinesiology and Health Promotion (K&HP) program and to
enter the program gateway course (KIN 3021/3022), the coursework listed below needs to be completed with a minimum 2.75
(preferred 3.00). With the guidance of your advisor, you will determine if you have completed the appropriate coursework
in order to move on to the upper-division coursework in your junior and senior years of the K&HP program.
K&HP Program Criteria
1. Minimum GPA
of 2.75; Preferred 3.00
2. Successful completion of: CHEM 1000 or 1020; ENGL 1010; FCSC 1141; HLED 1006; KIN 2040; KIN 2041; LIFE 1010;
MATH 1400 or 1405 or 1450; PHYS 1050 or 1110; PSYC 1000; STAT 2050 or 2070; USP 2015 COM2; USP 2015 FYS;
USP 2015 V; ZOO 3115; and 9-13 credit hours of elective coursework.
Please note: In addition to the minimum GPA
requirement of 2.75, enrollment in KIN 3021 (Physiology of Exercise) requires a
grade of C or better in: Math, Anatomy, and Human Systems Physiology courses. Students who receive grades lower than a C
in these courses will not be allowed to enroll in KIN 3021.
GPA may be UW, transfer, or combination. UW GPA is the default but in borderline cases the Division Director or
Professional Advisor may use the transfer GPA or grades earned in key courses from transfer institutions.
University Studies Coursework 2015 (3 credit hours)
USP 2015 C3 Elective _______________________ 3 ______ ______ C3
Required HLED and KIN Core Coursework (19 credit hours)
HLED 3020 Community and Public Health Promotion 3
KIN 3021 Physiology of Exercise 3
* NOTE: Minimum 2.75 GPA; minimum of C in Math, Anatomy, and ZOO 3115 to enroll in KIN 3021.
KIN 3022 Physiology of Exercise Laboratory 1
KIN 3010 Fundamentals of Health and Fitness Assessment 3
KIN 3034 or 4020 Lifespan Motor Development or Motor Behavior 3
KIN 3037 or 3038 Sport Psychology or Exercise Psychology 3
KIN 3042 Biomechanics of Human Movement 3
Elective HLED and KIN Coursework (choose a minimum of 15 credit hours from this list)
HLED 4005 Global Health 3 ______ ______
HLED 4020 Food, Health, and Justice 3
HLED 4025 Teaching Sensitive Issues in Human Sexuality 3
HLED 4030 Teaching about Alcohol & Substance Abuse 3
HLED 4097 Individual Problems 3 ______ ______
HLED 4130 Management of Coordinated School Health Programs 3
HLED 4900 Ecological Approaches to Community Health 3
HLED 4900 Emergency Preparedness & Response 3
KIN 2050 Socio-Cultural Aspects of Phys Act., Exer, & Sport 3
KIN 3034 Lifespan Motor Development 3
KIN 3037 Sport Psychology 3
KIN 3038 Exercise Psychology 3
KIN 3040 Teaching Human Anatomy 3
KIN 3044 Concepts in Physical Therapy 3
Elective Coursework list continues on following page …