The undersigned as an authorized representative for Applicant, states that, to the best of his or her knowledge, the facility for use of
which application is hereby made will not be used for the commission of any crime or any act, which is prohibited by law. Applicant
certifies that he/she has read the rules, regulations, conditions, and terms of this application and agreement and agrees to abide by all
applicable laws of the State of California and all other
rectives of District, which may be communicated to the Applicant. Any use
contrary to or in violation of any law, rule, regulation, condition, or term of this application and agreement shall be grounds for immediate
cancellation of the permit and removal of the applicant from the facility and shall bar such Applicant from further use of the facility.
Authorized Organization Signature/Date
Printed Name and Title
For office use:
Rec'd Certificate of Ins.
Rec'd Add'l Ins. Endorsement
Rec'd Fee
Authorized District Signature/Date
This form must be signed and returned to Columbia College, IMC Department, 11600 Columbia College Drive, Sonora, CA, 95370 along with necessary
certificates of insurance and endorsements, before using the facilities or risk cancellation.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Per Board Policy 6700 Procedures)
A. Applications under the Civic Center Act shall originate with established and responsible organizations in the District.
B. All meetings under the Civic Center Act shall be open to the public.
C. No use will be inconsistent with the purpose for which the facility was designed nor inconsistent with use of
for school purposes nor interfere with regular school work.
D. No use shall be granted in such a manner as to constitute a monopoly for benefit of any person or organization.
E. No usage or entertainment shall be permitted which reflects in any adverse way on any persons because of race, color, age,
medical condition, ancestry, sexual orientation, marital status, physical or mental disability, religion, sex, gender, or national
F. Dist
ollege premises shall not be used as political campaign headquarters.
G. Facility use permits shall not be issued for a period exceeding one semester or quarter. Long-term facility use permits are not
valid on holidays unless specified when the request is made.
H. Applications for use shall be filed at least two weeks in advance of the proposed usage.
I. Any facility or equipment usage is limited to that listed on the application and contract. Specia
l re
quirements must be requested
in writing at least two weeks prior.
J. A District employee shall be fully in charge of any facility being used.
K. No promotional or advertising materials shall be sold without prior approval.
L. No goods or services may be sold on the college campus without prior approval.
M. Concession operation approval must be obtained from the college.
N. Organizations shall not use the name of the District or any of its C
ges, facilities, or equipment to sell a commercial product
or to promote personal service to gain financial or material advantage.
O. No group may use a College swimming pool unless an approved lifeguard(s) (holder of a Red Cross Life Saving Certificate) is
on duty. Red Cross water safety regulations shall be observed.
P. The user at all times during the use and occupancy of the premises shall thoroughly comply with all ordinances, laws, a
gulations affecting the use and occupancy thereof, including all state and local fire, health, and safety laws, ordinances, and
Q. Smoking is prohibited in all District facilities.
R. Lighted candles and any devices having any form of open flame are prohibited; any material or device which constitutes a fire
hazard is expressly prohibited.
S. The possession and carrying of firearms and weapons of any kind on District/Co
llege premi
ses shall be subject to Procedure
3530 – Weapons on Campus.
T. No person while in or on District/College buildings or grounds shall possess, consume, give or deliver to any other person any
alcoholic beverage, other intoxicants or narcotics. A person convicted of a violation of this section, in addition to the penalty
imposed for the misdemeanor, shall be barred from further use of the facilities. (Business and Professional Code
Section 25608)