Filing an Assurity
Death Benet Claim
This document lists the forms and evidence generally required for submission of a claim for
death benets. This list is not exhaustive and Assurity may require additional documentation
including, but not limited to, a condential information authorization form, copies of trust and/
or estate documents, and medical records.
In order to expedite the claim process, Assurity requests that the beneciary(ies) contact
the Assurity Claims Department at 800-869-0355 Ext. 4484 for conrmation of beneciary
designations and to be advised of forms and supporting documentation required for review of
the claim.
Assurity administers many dierent plans of insurance. Please consult the contract for specic
benets, denitions, provisions, limitations and exclusions. The insured’s contract may include
optional riders providing additional insurance benets. Please contact the Assurity Claims
Department at 800-869-0355 Ext. 4484 to inquire about other potential benets.
Death Claim Requirements
Requests for Proceeds form
The Request for Proceeds form is a document that must be completed for each
designated beneficiary.
If the named beneficiary is a trust or an estate, the form must be completed by
the appropriate trustee or personal representative of the estate.
Certied death certicate
For each death claim, Assurity requires one certied death certicate with a raised
seal and listed cause of death.
Original copy of the insurance policy
Assurity asks that the original insurance policy/certicate be returned to our
home oce.
If your contract includes benets not described in this document or you have
questions, please contact Assurity’s Claims Department.
800-869-0355 Ext. 4484
Assurity is a marketing name for the mutual holding company Assurity Group, Inc. and its subsidiaries. Those subsidiaries include but are not limited to: Assurity Life Insurance Company and Assurity
Life Insurance Company of New York. Insurance products and services are oered by Assurity Life Insurance Company in all states except New York. In New York, insurance products and services are
oered by Assurity Life Insurance Company of New York, Albany, New York. Product availability, features and rates may vary by state.
Notication of Death
Notication of death may be reported to Assurity by calling Assurity claims at 800-869-0355 Ext. 4484, or by completing
the Notification of Death form.
Upon confirmation of beneficiary designations, the beneficiary will be adivsed of forms and supporting documentation
required for review of the claim.