Fifth Year Appeal for Institutional Financial Assistance
If you are a regular full time undergraduate student at RMC receiving institutional financial assistance in
the form of scholarships and/or grants and you are making Satisfactory Academic Progress, your
institutional assistance will remain in effect for either eight or ten semesters depending on the length of
your program of study. The intent of this policy is to assure students understand their responsibility in
planning and completing their first bachelors degree in a timely manner. Occasionally a student has
planned carefully and successfully completed 15 to 16 credits each semester but still needs an additional
semester or two in order to complete their first bachelors degree. Please complete and return this form
to the Financial Aid Office in order to appeal the continuation of your institutional assistance.
Name________________________________________________ SSN__________________________
Current Address________________________________________ Phone________________________
For what semesters are you seeking additional institutional aid? ______Fall ______Spring ______Year
What is your anticipated graduation date? _________________________________________________
What is your major? __________________________________________________________________
How many more credits do you need to graduate in this major? ________________________________
Who is your academic advisor? _________________________________________________________
Have you changed your major? ______Yes ______No If yes, please explain the circumstance of this
Are there any extenuating circumstances beyond your control you feel I need to be award of as I review
this appeal? (Use the back of this form if necessary and attach documentation.)
Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: ___________________