A $500 deposit will be required upon registration.
I am interested in participating in the program to: _____________________________________________
List Country
Last name First name Middle initial
Permanent street address City State ZIP
Home phone Cell phone Email
Your address while at college if different from above City State ZIP
How long will you be at your college address? Until ____/____/____ Gender: ❏ Male ❏ Female
Do you already have a passport? (If so, submit a copy with your application.) ❏ Yes ❏ No
Name, exactly as it appears on passport Passport number Passport expiration date
Date of birth Citizenship
If your passport will expire less than 6 months from the trip return date, or you do not yet own a passport, please
apply for one now as it can take several weeks to obtain one: http://travel.state.gov/passport/get/get_4855.html
2. ACADEMIC INFORMATION (Submit transcript with application.)
Current college Address Dates of attendance
Previous college Address Dates of attendance
Previous college Address Dates of attendance
Current status: ❏ H.S. Graduate ❏ Freshman ❏ Sophomore ❏ Junior ❏ Senior ❏ College Graduate
Field Studies/Study Abroad
(630) 942-2356
Application for Admission
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College of DuPage Summer Study Abroad
Note: Save a copy of these documents to your
computer PRIOR to completing them to avoid
losing your information.