Feedback Form
The College of Early Childhood Educators values our customers.
We strive to meet your needs and welcome your comments to assist us with monitoring and improving
our services.
Please complete this form and let us know about your experience with receiving accessible customer
service. Submit your completed form to the College of Early Childhood Educators, located at 438
University Ave, Suite 1900, Toronto, Ontario M5G 2K8, in person, by mail or courier, by email to
registrar@college-ece.ca or by fax to 416 961-8772.
Please print all information.
1. Please tell us the date and time of your visit to our office. ___________________________
2. What service did you access? __________________________________________________
3. Did we respond to your customer service needs? No Yes Somewhat
4. Was our customer service provided to you in an accessible manner? No Yes Somewhat
5. If you have answered “No” or “Somewhat” to question 3 and/or 4 please explain:
6. What did you like about our service (if applicable)?
7. What improvement(s) would you suggest?
8. If you would like us to contact you please provide your contact information below.
Name ________________________________
Mailing address __________________________________________________________
Phone Number _________________________
E- Mail address _________________________
Preferred method of contact Mail Phone E-Mail