Fee Payment Instruction
The non-refundable application processing fee is due in U.S. currency. You can make payments by:
Non-refundable application fee of $25.00 U.S. dollars with a minimum English proficiency test score and
are applying directly to Santa Ana College credit program.
Non-refundable application fee of $50.00 U.S. dollars without a minimum English proficiency test score if
you are planning to take the Santa Ana College Test of English Language Development (TELD) or are
applying for the English Language Academy.
Personal check, money order, cashier check - payable to: Santa Ana College - International Student
Cash payments are ONLY accepted in person -
Please do not send cash
Credit card (Visa or MasterCard) - Please fill-out the credit card payment form below
Student's Name:
Card Holder's Name:
□ MasterCard □ Visa Card □ AMEX
Card Number: Security Code:
Total Amount:
Expiration Date:
Billing Address:
Card Holder's Signature: Date:
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