Federal Work-Study Program Agreement Request Form
University of the Incarnate Word
Instructions for completing this form: C
omplete all sections in the space provided
, save document to
your files and submit as an attachment by e-mail to mtnguye4@uiwtx.edu.
Employer Information:
Hourly P
ay Rates: Changes to pay rates cannot be made once a student begins working.
Maximum Wage – Undergraduates
New or Returning
Job Posting #
Total allocation: Funds requested cannot exceed student’s award as listed on award letter. You may wish to keep
a reserve in your allocation to cover increases throughout the year or for summer agreements.
Student Agreement Request Information:
A copy of the job posting from Cardinal Talent is required for new work study employees
Posting # (New Hires Only): Include job posting number from Cardinal Talent posting beginning with "STU"
Hourly Pay Rate: Indicate student's hourly wage
Total Allocation: Indicate student's allocation from department's overall work study budget