FEMA Form 086-0-32 (06/16)
2. NFIP Map Panel Effective/Revised Date. Enter the map effective date or the map revised date shown on the NFIP map. (Example: 6/15/93)
This will be the latest of all dates shown on the map.
3. Is there a Letter of Map Change (LOMC)? This field can remain blank if no Letter of Map Change (LOMC) (these include the Letter of Map
Amendment (LOMA), Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) or similar FEMA Map Letter(s)) applies to the subject property. If there is a LOMC, list the
date and number. Information on the LOMC is available from the following sources:
* The community's official copy of its NFIP map(s) should have a copy of all subsequently-issued FEMA Letters attached.
* For a LOMC issued on or after October 1, 1994. Information is available on FEMA's website at http://www.fema.gov/national-flood-insurance-
* The FEMA Map Service Center website is https://msc.fema.gov/portal.
4. Flood Zone. Enter the flood zone(s) in which the building or mobile home is located. (Examples: A, AE, A4, AR, AR/A, AR/AE, AR/AO, V,
VE, V12, AH, AO, B, C, X, D). If any part of the building or mobile home is within the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), the entire building or
mobile home is considered to be in the SFHA. All flood zones beginning with the letter "A" or "V" are considered to be in the SFHA. Each flood
zone is defined in the legend of the NFIP map on which it appears. If there is no NFIP map for the subject area, enter "none."
5. No NFIP Map. If no NFIP map covers the area where the building or mobile home is located, check this box.
C. FEDERAL FLOOD INSURANCE AVAILABILITY. This is a review of community eligibility; it does not address individual building related
eligibility, that is reviewed in the insurance process.
Check all boxes that apply; Note that boxes 1 (Federal Flood Insurance is available ...) and 2 (Federal Flood Insurance is not available ...) are
mutually exclusive. In most instances, Federal flood insurance is available to all residents with eligible property in a community that participates
in the NFIP. Community participation status can be determined by consulting the NFIP Community Status Book, which is available from FEMA
and at http://www.fema.gov/fema/csb.shtm . The NFIP Community Status Book will indicate whether or not the community is participating in the
NFIP and whether participation is in the Emergency or Regular Program. If the community participates in the NFIP, check either Regular
Program or Emergency Program. To obtain Federal flood insurance, a copy of this completed form may be provided to an insurance agent.
Federal flood insurance is prohibited in areas designated by the Coastal Barrier Resources Act to be in a Coastal Barrier Resources Area
(CBRA) and Otherwise Protected Areas (OPA) for buildings or mobile homes built or substantially improved after the date of the CBRA or OPA
designation. Information about the Coastal Barrier Resources System (CBRS) may be obtained by visiting the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's
website at http://www.fws.gov/CBRA/index.html.
D. DETERMINATION. If any portion of the building/mobile home is in an identified Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), check yes (flood
insurance is required). If no portion of the building/mobile home is in an identified SFHA, check no. If no NFIP map exists for the community,
check no. If no NFIP map exists, Section B5 should also be checked.
E. COMMENTS. Optional Comment. Preparer may add additional comments/pages/data as needed.
F. PREPARER'S INFORMATION. If other than the lender, enter the name, address, and telephone number of the company or organization
performing the flood hazard determination. An individual's name may be included, but is not required.
Date of Determination. Enter date on which flood zone determination was completed.
MULTIPLE BUILDINGS: For guidance regarding multiple buildings, please contact your regulator, servicer, lender or other entity as applicable.
GUARANTEES REGARDING INFORMATION: Determinations on this form made by persons other than the lender are acceptable only to the
extent that the accuracy of the information is guaranteed.
FORM AVAILABILITY. The form is available online at http://www.fema.gov/plan/prevent/fhm/frm_form.shtm).
Copies of this form are available from the FEMA fax-on-demand line by calling (202) 646-FEMA and requesting form #23103. Guidance on
using the form in a printed, computerized, or electronic format is contained in form #23110. This information is also available on FEMA's
website. See the resource record, for usability purposes. The URL is http://www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/documents/225?id=1394.
PURPOSE OF FORM: In accordance with P.L. 103-325, Sec. 1365, (b) (1), this form has been designated to facilitate compliance with the flood
insurance purchase requirements of the National Flood Insurance Reform Act of 1994.
FOR LENDING RELATED GUIDANCE REGARDING THIS FORM: Implementation of the mandatory flood insurance purchase requirements of
the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 and the National Flood Insurance Reform Act of 94, as amended, is the responsibility of the various
Federal agencies that regulate lenders. Please contact your regulator or lender to determine their requirements.
SFHDF - Instructions Page 2 of 2
OMB Control No. 1660-0040
Expires: 10/31/18