Friendships and Dating Program
Participant Application
Participant Information
Cell: Other:
City: State:
City: State:
Yes No
City: State:
Cell: Other:
Last Name:
First Name: Gender:
(Please check one)
Mailing Address (Where can we send you mail)
Physical Address (Where do you live, if different than mailing address)
Date of Birth:
ZIP Code:
ZIP Code:
Emergency Contact Information (Who should we contact if there is a problem)
Do you have a guardian? (Please check yes or no):
If yes, provide your guardian's information in the space below.
ZIP Code:
First & Last Name:
Guardian's Mailing Address
First & Last Name:
Cell: Other:
Created 05/2017
Friendships and Dating Program
Participant Application
Yes No
Yes No
If yes, please provide a brief explanation for us.
Do you have sensory or other triggers such as bright lights, touch
or loud noises, etc.? (Please check yes or no)
Have you experienced any trauma? (Please check yes or no)
If yes, please provide a brief explanation for us.
What is helpful/useful/supportive at those times?
Will you need an interpreter? (Please check yes or no)
Are you able to read, understand and follow through on written
information without help? (Please check yes or no)
If not, what type of accomodations will you need to participate?
Additional Participant Information
Yes No
Yes No
Friendships and Dating Program
Participant Application
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Have you had positive social interactions with friends
Do you have any food allergies? (Please check yes or no)
If yes, please provide a list for us.
Do you have a job or attend school? (Please check yes or no)
If yes, please provide the schedule.
and/or dating? (Please check yes or no)
If yes, please provide a brief explanation for us.
Are there activities you really like? (Please check yes or no)
If yes, please provide a brief explanation for us.
Why you would like to be in the class?
Friendships and Dating Program
Participant Application
Yes No
Cell: Other:
person would benefit from the class?
Is there anything else you think would be helpful or we need to know?
Did you have a support person assist with filling out
this form with you? (Please check yes or no)
If you are a support person filling out this form, why do you think this
If yes, provide your support staff information in the space below.
If you are a support person filling out this form, what do you need to
guide you through this program?
Support Staff Information (Who helped you fill out this form)
First & Last Name:
Friendships and Dating Program
Participant Application
Participant's Signature
Participant Signature:
Please print name:
Please submit this application to:
Tara Misra
Wyoming Institute for Disabilities
Dept. 4298, 1000 E. University Ave.,
Laramie, WY 82071
click to sign
click to edit