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(Arctic Freight Logistics)
Carrier Relationship Package
Email back to:
Fax B
ack to:
***If your equipment is older than 2014 we will not be able to approve you as a carrier. You must notify us***
AFL (Arctic Freight Logistics) MC # 688985 Phone: 206-
519-2991 Fax: 888-453-0030 Email: Operations@AFLogistics.org
**Your Reefer
be Downloadable otherwise you won’t be allowed to sign up with AFL (Arctic Freight and
AFL (Arctic Freight Logistics) MC # 688985 Phone: 206-519-2991 Fax: 888-453-0030 Email: Operations@AFLogistics.org
P a g e
(Arctic Freight Logistics)
Information needed for carrier relationship
Thank you for your interest in becoming a business partner with Arctic Freight and Logistics.
We have the following requirements for us to complete our mutual partnership.
Return the following documentation to
Operations@AFLoigistics.org or
Fax: 888-453-0030
1) I N S U R A N C E R E Q U I R E M E N T S
Certificate of Liability Insurance
(with Arctic Freight Logistics added as an additional
Arctic Freight and Logistics
4434 South 352nd Lane
Auburn, Washington 98001
Your insurance company MUST send out ALL EXCLUSIONS on your policy
Your coverage must include: Auto Coverage, $100,000 cargo, and Reefer Breakdown
Note: We will not send out the rate confirmation until this is received.
2) 3 Credit References
3) W-9 Taxpayer Identification
4) US DOT MC License
5) Instructions to Carrier:
a. Please read pages 8-12, fill out, sign and date page 12
6) Copy of your Workers Compensation Insurance AND signatures on BOTH
sections on page 19 of this packet regarding workers compensation.
7) Broker/Carrier Agreement
a. Please fill out the top of page 13, initial all 5 pages and sign page 18 of the agreement
8) Driver Error and Omission Agreement
a. Please fill out, sign and date page 20
AFL (Arctic Freight Logistics) MC # 688985 Phone: 206-519-2991 Fax: 888-453-0030 Email: Operations@AFLogistics.org
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(Arctic Freight Logistics)
Page 1: ………………………….…...………………………………………….Cover Page
Page 2: ………………………….…...………….……….....Information on items we need
Page 3: ............................................................................................................................ Index
Page 4: ………………………………………………Contact and Company Information
Page 5: ……………………...…………….……………….……………Credit References
Page 6: …………………...…………………………..…………..Accounting Information
Page 7: ….…...……………………………….……………Carrier Network Information
Page 8-12: ……….........…………….….……….………....….…Instructions to Carriers
Page 13: .…............………...……………..…..........…Workers Compensation Agreement
Page 14-18: …………………………….………………….Brokerage - Carrier Contract
Page 19: .................................................................. ……….Error and Omission Agreement
Page 20: .......................................................................................... After Hours Instructions
Page 21:……………………………………………………ARCTIC US DOT MC Number
Page 22-23:………………………………………………………………..ARCTIC Surety Bond
Page 24:……………………………………………………….Truckstop Days to Pay Rating
AFL (Arctic Freight Logistics) MC # 688985 Phone: 206-519-2991 Fax: 888-453-0030 Email: Operations@AFLogistics.org
P a g e
(Arctic Freight Logistics )
Contact and Company Information
Phone: 206-519-2991 Fax: 888-453-0030 Email: Operations@AFLogistics.org
CEO: Troy Bossert 206-519-2991 Troy.Bossert@AFLogistics.org
About Arctic
Arctic Freight and Logistics is a leading transportation solutions provider. Founded by our co-owner Nicolae Bairactari who
immigrated from Maldova in 2013. When Arctic was founded in 2013, our goal was to create a freight brokerage that would be an
industry leader through an excellent service commitment to our customers. We have grown bit by bit, through hard work and
Arctic is not your regular freight company; we invest in our people, we work as a team, we always make sure we perform at our highest
ability and ALWAYS make sure our clients are satisfied. We recruit and hire professional individuals only, that know how to deliver a
quality service, for you. With our company-owned trucks as well as our freight broker service, our trucking company can provide
trucking services to meet any customer’s needs. Whether you are an individual buyer who needs one time service or a major industrial
shipper needing frequent freight shipping services, we can help.
We have our own warehousing and distribution services that are regularly audited and analyzed to ensure that it meets the
contemporary business models, and any and all upgrades are made to ensure our services continue to help our clients meet their
logistic requirements efficiently.
Our logistics team have years of experience in this business and can handle long term and large scale assignments with utter
professionalism, and our customer service helps the clients to stay in the loop throughout the process, whenever they require any
assistance. Consult with our experts today for your warehousing and distribution services requirements, and allow us to make a
positive difference in your business.
We offer logistic services across many US states encompassing freight transportation, supply chain solutions, warehousing and
distribution, extensive custom clearing knowledge, security and assurance assistance, temperature controlled environment, industry
sector solutions, brokerage and lead logistic solutions. Through many years of experience in the industry, our company has been able
to create a network of associates which helps us to provide safe, reliable, efficient and customized logistic solutions to our clients and
partners. Our knowledge, experience, and attention to detail combine to create a seamless experience for you.
Our logistic teams consist of employees, who starting from the pre-loading of cargo to post-delivery, take care of the process of logistic
transportation as well as warehousing and distribution on your behalf. We are authorized, insured and licensed logistic service
provider, who has over the years not only gained a credible market reputation, but has also been able to win the hearts of hundreds of
our clients.
Our logistic services provide:
Cost control by effectively managing truck logistics, warehousing, and distribution;
Error reduction and increase in productivity;
Ability to locate and connect with a reliable carrier to transport your shipment quickly and trustworthy;
Great knowledge, vast experience and accurate information;
AFL (Arctic Freight Logistics) MC # 688985 Phone: 206-519-2991 Fax: 888-453-0030 Email: Operations@AFLogistics.org
P a g e
Arctic Freight Logistics)
Credit References
Baron Transportation Inc
5301 Laurel Canyon Blvd Unit 233
Valley Village, California 61607
WestCoast Transport Services
3822 108
Avenue E
Edgewood, Washington 98372
Contact: Alex
RedStar Logistics
1520 50
Street Northeast
Auburn, Washington 98002
P a g e
(Arctic Freight Logistics)
Accounting Information
unts Payable
Fax: 888-453-0030
1) Invoice filled out correctly
2) All COLORED copies of BOLs and PODs from all shippers SIGNED by the receiver
3) All unloading receipts from the receiver
4) Final Rate Confirmation SIGNED
(if we do not have
a signed rate confirmation on file you will NOT be paid until one is received).
5) All Other receipts from third parties (Port escorts, rearranging fees, reicing fees, etc)
The Washington office is where our Accounting Department is. They will not pay out on any load until:
a. The load has been confirmed received in full by the customer.
b. If there are damages or shorts payment will be delayed while we research this and figure out
if there are deductions.
c. If you have salvage product brought to another location, please understand you and us are at the mercy
of that other location to get the returns on the product. We do not control how
long this takes, and without the $ amount on the return we can not pay you out.
Please invoice for unloading. Receipts are due within 5 days of unloading. We will NOT reimburse if this is not
included with your invoice, nor if the receipt is turned in later than 5 days after delivery, nor if we were not
notified of the unloading costs during delivery.
Your Proof of delivery (PODs) are required immediately after your final delivery. It is a $50 fine after 24 hours if
you fail to turn these in. It is an additional $50 fine if not turned in 5 days after that. Each additional 7 days will
be an additional $100 fine. Max Penalty will be $500. Failure to turn in PODS will result in no payout. We can
not get paid without this and hence can not pay you. This will be strictly enforced.
Lost paperwork will result in delayed payouts. We will not pay you out until our customer agrees to pay us. If
there were damages, shorts or salvage on loads with lost paperwork, you will have to wait until the customer
has given us confirmation the load has been completely settled.
Only if discussed upfront, approved, with a customer sign off, and all paperwork obtained within 8 hours of
delivery, we may offer Quick Pays are 5% off the entire rate. Paid out the next business day via ACH. Regular
pay is via mail. ACH payments are only for Quick Pay.
Please submit all Accounting
and original documents to:
Arctic Freight Logistics
12154 Darnestown Road
Box # 605
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878
AFL (Arctic Freight Logistics) MC # 688985 Phone: 206-519-2991 Fax: 888-453-0030 Email: Operations@AFLogistics.org
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(Arctic Freight Logistics)
Carrier Network Benefits
At Arctic Freight Logistics we proudly say we are an international freight and logistics
carrier. From our employees international backgrounds to our international lanes we
service, our customers and carriers have come to know Arctic Freight Logistics as the
truly international carrier to service their needs.
Join our Carrier Network
Arctic Freight Logistics is home to an extensive carrier network. Our growing carrier
network allows us the ability to leverage volume and experience and provide
numerous carrier benefits to our participating carriers.
Carrier Benefits
Join Arctic Freight Logistics’ carrier network today and take advantage of the following benefits:
Online appointment setting
Multiple loads (Consistent volume and lanes)
On going communication
Dedicated Routes
Daily Routes available (sent via emails)
24/7 Communication Access
Appointment Scheduling made for you
Load scheduling and product readiness done for you
Competitive Rates
Quick Turn around on regular pay
(30 days from time we
receive the invoice and all relevant paperwork)
(All papers from carrier packet must be received first)
AFL (Arctic Freight Logistics) MC # 688985 Phone: 206-519-2991 Fax: 888-453-0030 Email: Operations@AFLogistics.org
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(Arctic Freight Logsitics)
Contracted Instructions on loads
Your Broker is available 24/7. CALL OR TEXT your broker at the following #'s for issues.
Check calls re required upon loading and unloading. Tracking is required by
MacroPoint using the driver's cell
phone number (which must be provided prior to starting the load). If you take a contracted load with us, you are hereby
agreeing to allow us to track your driver using MacroPoint. Your driver is REQUIRED to accept the MacroPoint tracking
PRIOR to loading and each day he/she is NOT being tracked is a $100 fine. This includes driver changes as the new driver
phone # must be provided AND he/she must accept MacroPoint tracking. Driver's with non-compatible phones should
NEVER be put on any of our loads. If we find out a driver has turned off the tracking while on our load it will be a $200 fine.
Each missed update on loading and/or unloading is a $50 fine. Every ADDITIONAL time we have to request MacroPoint
tracking, the cost
will be deducted from your pay = $5 per occurrence.
Updates are required via text, phone or email on the following items:
A. On refrigerated /frozen loads upon check in at the first pickup: Must include picture of reefer setting upon check
TO $100 PER DAY in fines.
continuous. Failure to run continuous will automatically make you liable for an insurance claim regardless if the
temperature was correct.
B. Upon checking out of the last pickup.
Any delay lasting more than 2 hours at a shipper,
must call 253-479-2124
D. Checking in at EACH delivery: Call 253-479-2124
E. Confirmation that the truck has delivered and has clean BOL's
If any of these updates are missed it is a $50 fine per occurrence. These updates can be emailed
to Logistics@ArcticFreightLogistics.com, texted to your broker or called in to your broker.
If the truck is running behind for ANY reason (weather, break down, etc) you are required to notify to notify us immediately
You are required to give the rate confirmation to the driver. If you wish to give them without the rate on it, please request
one. The driver must know the Pickup #'s, the PO #'s, case counts, pallet counts, who the customer is, and Appointment
Confirmation #'s.
At Arctic Freight Logistics we understand that breakdowns happen and they are part of the industry. However you must
notify us immediately and continuously update us on towing, part ordering, repair status, and when the truck is up and
rolling again.
On Refrigerated/Frozen loads always follow the shipper's instructions for temperature for the product you are carrying.
A. If this is a mixed produce load and you are unsure on the temperature, please contact your broker to discuss what
temperature you should run your reefer at. You the carrier will be responsible for damage caused by failure to follow the
shipper's instructions for temperature.
Please plan accordingly on these Refrigerated/Frozen loads.
A. You and we are at the mercy of the shipper to get you loaded. They may take a long time. If you are required to stay at
your current location for 24 hours or more, and it is the fault of the shipper AND we get approval, we will pay UP to
AFL (Arctic Freight Logistics) MC # 688985 Phone: 206-519-2991 Fax: 888-453-0030 Email: Operations@AFLogisticsorg
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$250 a
fter 24 hrs. Not applicable if the delay is caused by the carrier.
i. If the product will not be ready until the next day, notify your broker immediately.
ii. Your broker will make the determination whether you should skip that pickup or wait until the next
iii. Under no circumstances are you to skip a pick up without discussing it with your broker
iv. If the shipper says the product will take more than 4 hours before they are ready to load you, notify
your broker and we will work to get you loaded faster.
B. You and we are at the mercy of the receiver to get you unloaded. They may take a long time. If you are required to
stay at your current location for 24 hours or more and it is the fault of the receiver/customer AND we get approval,
we will pay UP to $250 after 24 hrs. Not applicable if the delay is caused by the carrier.
i. We cannot control how quickly they unload you and they may take at least 8 hours from your
appointment time. Please plan accordingly.
ii. Do not ask for detention money for this as we cannot control how long the receiver takes to unload
9. Watch the shipper at ALL times. When you sign the BOL you are acknowledging there are no issues with the load that the
shipper has put onto your truck. This means that any damages from that point forward are your responsibility.
A. If you feel the shipper may have damages the product loading it, do not sign the BOL until the shipper has
acknowledged this or you have contacted your broker. ARCTIC is not liable for these damages.
B. Any and all damages caused by the shipper to you are between you and the shipper. Contact us immediately and
we will notify the customer immediately. Take Pictures for proof. Please understand that the customer is who we
work for not the shippers.
C. DO NOT allow the shipper to use your truck or reefer for their own personal use. Notify your broker immediately if
this occurs.
D. You MUST make sure that you have picked up ALL the pickup #'s and product.
i. Do not leave the shipper until you have all the pickups on your load.
ii. Do not leave the shipper until you have all the product on your load (including pallets and case counts that
match your rate confirmation if applicable).
iii. Do not leave the shipper until you have all the BOL's for all the pickup #'s on your load.
iv. Double check all of this. You do not want to arrive at the delivery with missing product. You will be held
financially liable for missing product.
v. You are the one responsible to make sure the entire product has been picked up. If you fail to notice you do
not have all the product or all the paperwork you will be deducted the amount the customer has paid us for
that freight. You additionally may be asked to turn around and go get the product that you did not pick up.
E. Always ensure that the shipper has put the correct information on the BOL. The BOL must match your rate confirmation. It
must show the pickup #, the PO #, the correct product, the correct product count, and the correct delivery location.
Your delivery location may not unload you if your BOL is wrong, which may cause delays in your unloading.
10. Watch the receiver at all times. Delivery appointments are scheduled by only Arctic Freight Logistics. Carrier cannot Re-
schedule/schedule their own delivery appointments without our permission. Failure to comply will carry up to a $500 fine.
A. Give them ALL your BOL's. Let them sort them out. Even if you think you know what they are supposed to receive,
let them be the ones that sorts through them. This way if there is mistake made, it is on their end.
i. Always get the name of the person that sorted through your BOL's and unloaded you. This way if there is a
mistake it is on their end, and we can reference them as being at fault.
ii. Ensure they unload you properly (including unloading and receiving the correct and all products).
iii. If they damage the product while unloading, ensure that you notate that with
them and take pictures prior to receiving the BOL. Failure to do this will make you financially liable.
iv. Ensure you get all BOL's back from the receiver, and that they are signed for the product you just delivered.
Rejections happen. This is especially true on produce loads. Please remember that Arctic Freight Logistics is usually the
middleman on your load. We don’t represent the shipper or the vendor usually(and do not have anything to do with them).
~~~~Until all the product is off your truck you are still responsible and liable for that product. Dumping the product
because you do not get an immediate answer or answer you like will make you liable for all costs incurred including
legal fees that Arctic Freight Logistics may incur from your failed contracted duty.~~~
AFL (Arctic Freight Logistics) MC # 688985 Phone: 206-519-2991 Fax: 888-453-0030 Email: Operations@AFLogistics.org
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There are usually two types of rejections
Shipper caused bad quality product
Please be patient as an investigation will need to be done to determine if it is
i. This may include waiting for the receiver to do an inspection.
ii. This may include waiting for a USDA inspection
Should it be determined the rejections were caused by the shipper the following process
occurs and will take 2-3 hours at least to occur.
i. The transportation manager who gave Arctic Freight Logistics will contact the buyer of
the product.
ii. The Buyer of the product will contact the seller of the product
iii. The seller of the product will contact the vendor of the product
iv. The vendor of the product will have to call various places to determine where they
can place the product.
Arctic Freight Logistics will try (but not promise) to get the rejected product brought to a
place near you would like to go.
Redelivery will be done at a rate of the lesser of the rate per mile you were paid
on the load or $2 per mile (within a 350 mile radius)
If you are held for more than 20 hours because of a rejection we will pay $250 per full 24
hours for layover.
Carrier caused damage or rejections
Please be patient as an investigation will need to be done to determine if the rejections are
a carrier issue.
i. This may include waiting for the receiver to do an inspection.
ii. This may include waiting for a USDA inspection
Should it be determined the rejections were caused due to a carrier issue, the following
conditions apply and you agree to one of the following choices
i. Arctic Freight Logistics will find a place to salvage any and all the product if possible.
We do not allow you to do the salvage of the product because if your insurance denies
an insurance claim for any reason, Arctic Freight Logistics will have no way to reclaim
any of the money we will have lost due to a carrier mistake. Arctic Freight Logistics
does not guarantee a dollar return on any of the product (as it is many times brought to
a 3rd party we do not have a relationship with). There will be no redelivery amount
paid to you
ii. You will immediately pay back the balance owed to Arctic Freight Logistics forthe
damaged rejected product.
iii. If you have an existing balance with Arctic Freight Logistics the amount from the
damages/rejections can be reduced from the existing balance.
iv. If the ownership of Arctic Freight Logistics agrees to a compromise where we will do
more business with you and reduce your rate own on every load in the future until the
damage/rejection amount is paid back.
On Refrigerated/Frozen loads. If there is a temperature issue on the load, you as as the
carrier will be responsible to get a Reefer Download to show the history as quickly as
possible. In some cases, a Reefer Download will show you ran the contracted load at the
correct temperature settings the entire way, which may (but does not guarantee) your
release of liability.
If there are damages on the load, that result in less than $500, that were caused by you as
the carrier not following the instructions on Arctic Freight Logistics's Rate Confirmation or
from the ARCTIC Carrier Packet then the product will be yours to keep and your rate will
be reduced by this amount.
If there are damages on the load, that result in more than $500, that were caused by you as
the carrier not following the instructions on Arctic Freight Logistics's Rate Confirmation or
AFL (Arctic Freight Logistics) MC # 688985 Phone: 206-519-2991 Fax: 888-453-0030 Email: Operations@AFLogistics.org
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m the ARCTIC Carrier Packet then please refer back #2 (b) (i) under the rejections
section #11.
12. Your rate confirmation is your agreement upon line haul price. Pallet count and case counts going to each receiver may
change once the truck is fully loaded. You are being paid as a line haul ONLY. Whatever the receiver takes off your truck
or put back on DOES NOT effect the rate. Your broker will try to get you additional money for layovers, holdovers,
detentions and re-deliveries. However, your broker will be the one to work for you. Do not ask the broker for more money
because a shipper took too long to load you or a receiver took too long to unload you. Do not seek payment from the
customer. Arctic Freight Logistics and you are the only contracted parties. A $250 fine will be imposed per each incident of
carrier contacting the customer for payment.
13. Al
l lumper and unloading fees are paid by you and reimbursed by us. To be reimbursed by us your unloading receipts MUST
be turned into us within 48 hours of delivery otherwise we will NOT reimburse you. All other fees are not reimbursable
unless your Broker has discussed it with you and given you the ok up front. Do not call and ask for a com check to pay for
unloading. In cases of emergency we will provide a comcheck for unloading. The fee to do this is greater of $25 or 10% of the
unloading costs.
14. L
oad all your pallets sideways or pin-wheeled in order to fully maximize the cargo room on your trailer. On full load berry
loads NEVER load the pallets straight in. You must maximize air flow. In some cases we may need to rearrange your truck,
we will reimburse you for any costs involved in this; however, you must seek approval from your broker first. Failure to get
approval from your broker may result in us not reimbursing you.
15. D
o not run your truck heavier than legally allowed. We will NOT pay for any tickets you receive for being overweight. We
are not asking you to carry the load over-limit.
A. Always weigh your truck at or near the shipper. You will be required to cut the product BACK at the shipper
you just left.
B. If you cannot weigh yourself at the shipper, go to the closest weigh station and weigh yourself. Do not drive
300 miles before realizing you are overweight. You will be required to cut the product BACK at the shipper
you just left. We will NOT reimburse your for extra mileage.
16. ARCTIC is a Truck/Freight Broker. We are a middleman and will do the best we can to represent both sides of the
transaction. We promise we will we fair in our representation. WE DO NOT CO-BROKER. As such will NOT pay a co-broker
ANYTHING. 100% of the rate confirmation goes to the carrier if we find out you co-brokered the load. Do not seek further
compensation as we are making this 100% clear.
17. Yo
u as the carrier are required to carry and furnish proof of workers compensation. We will not be held liable for a carrier's
employee, subcontractor, or contractor needing to file workers compensation for any reason. This is your sole responsibility.
By signing this form and taking this load now from us (or in the future) you agree to this. If you are exempt from this, please
sign the waiver on page 21.
18. Yo
u as the carrier are responsible for the product arriving in perfect condition. The customer will hit you for any damaged
product (including boxes/cases being dented or bent). If the product is damaged during loading or unloading I suggest do
the following procedures in order to protect us and you:
Take Pictures of the damaged boxes/cases (and send them to me immediately)
WATCH the loading. DO NOT sit in your truck. DO NOT use the excuse the shipper would not allow you
on the dock to watch the loading. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE STEEL TIPPED BOOTS. Flip flops,
sneakers, open toed shoes, and any other form of footwear will not be allowed on the shipping dock. Using
the excuse the shipper would not allow you on the dock to watch the loading does not excuse you from
shipping issue liabilities. If the shipper does not allow you to watch unloading and your driver is wearing
steel tipped boots, then you are REQUIRED to inform us immediately. Take pictures of the product prior to
loading. If the shippers damage other product from other shippers…notify us immediately and take pictures.
For shipping: Make sure the shipper or receiver acknowledges the damaged cases/boxes by making them
sign the BOL saying they are damaged.
If you sign the product out, you are acknowledging that you have ALL the product. If any product is missing
you will be held liable for missing product. VERIFY the cases you are taking!
When you take the BOL'S and/ or sign out the product, and do not notify us up front that you are
concerned on the way the truck has been loaded, and do not take pictures and send them to us upfront, you
are hereby acknowledging that the truck was loaded properly and release Arctic Freight Logistics and the
AFL (Arctic Freight Logistics) MC # 688985 Phone: 206-519-2991 Fax: 888-453-0030 Email: Operations@AFLogistics.org
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Street Address:
shipper from all liability of damages that occur to the product during transit. We can only protect you if you
notify us upfront. NEVER EVER after the product has been attempted to be received. Notification MUST
take place prior to the FIRST delivery.
On receiving: inspect the product and cases PRIOR to delivery. If anything has shifted or fell over, re-stack
the cases/boxes PRIOR to delivery. If you are worried about a seal, please do not be or call us and ask. Most
of our loads do not require seals so the seal does not mean anything.
On receiving: DO NOT sit in your truck. WATCH the unloading if you are not doing it yourself. If during
the unloading the receiver damages any of the boxes or case you MUST take pictures of it and notify us
Failure to do any of the aforementioned 7 steps MAY result in damage/missing penalties to you.
These suggested steps are in place to protect you and us from any penalites. YOU MUST DOCUMENT AND NOTIFY
US for possible protection. If there are damages and you did not do any of the aforementioned 7 steps, there will be
penalties and no protection.
19. You are
responsible for the entire load until all product is off your truck completely and you have clean BOLs. This includes
redeliveries. Product must be maintained in the same condition using same procedures for redeliveries. NEVER EVER dump
the product unless you have gotten specific instructions to do so. Failure to do any of this will make you liable for the
20. Within
5 business days of finishing your load you must turn in your original BOL's and Proof of Delivery. Failure to turn
these into Arctic Freight Logistics Accounting department within this time frame will result in a $100 fine after 5 days and a
$500 fine after 21 days. Arctic Freight Logistics cannot be paid until we receive your BOL's.
21. Failure to sign: By starting (defined as showing up to the first shipper and requesting the product there), the load as explained
in the rate confirmation, but failing to sign this carrier packet, carrier-broker agreement, rate confirmation, instructions, or any
other binding agreement, you are expressly agreeing to all the terms set forth in the aforementioned documents. Furthermore
our terms and conditions supercede any terms and conditions you have. By picking up our load you have agreed to this. Not
changes are allowed to our load confirmation or carrier packet.
22. Personal Guarantee: By starting (previously defined) the load as explained in the rate confirmation, you (the representative
for the carrier) are agreeing to personally take all the duties and monetary responsibilities as described in carrier packet and
rate confirmation.
Company Name: ,
AFL Arctic Freight Logistics, Inc.
12154 Darnestown Road #605
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
City, State, Zip:
Contact Person:
Contact phone #1:
Contact phone #2:
Contact Email:
AFL (Arctic Freight Logistics) MC # 688985 Phone: 206-519-2991 Fax: 888-453-0030 Email: Operations@AFLogistics.org
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(Arctic Freight Logistics)
Worker’s Compensation Waiver
Carrier also shall carry, furnish, keep in force at all times Worker’s Compensation insurance
in the amount required by Washington and Federal laws. Workers' compensation insurance is
required by all states for all employers who have two or more employees, whether your employees
are clerical office workers or truck drivers. You need to have workers compensation insurance.
~~~~~~~~~~Carrier Agreement~~~~~~~~~~~~
You as a carrier are required to carry and furnish proof of workers compensation. We will not be
held liable for a carrier’s employees, sub-contractors, or contractor being injured or having
something occurred where a worker’s compensation claim needs to be filed. This is your
responsibility. Any and all legal actions brought by you or one of your employees, contractors, or
sub contractors will bare you as the sole party responsible for all legal fees we at Arctic Freight
Logistics and/or affiliated parties may incur if a court upholds this agreement. By signing this
form and taking any now or in the future you agree to these terms.
Print name Signature
~~~~~Owner-Operator Agreement~~~~~~~~
Terms and conditions for Owner-Operators are the same as for a Carrier, except in some states
worker’s compensation is not required for owner-operators. Below is a statement you can sign
that states you are acknowledging you reside AND your business is located in one of these states.
HOWEVER, should you be injured while being sub-contracted by us to do a “load.” you agree to
hold Arctic Freight Logistics harmless and further acknowledge you were instructed to carry
worker’s compensation, and it was your own choice, under your own power to choose not to
carry worker’s compensation for yourself. You will fall under the same category as the Carrier
agreement above. I'm not subject to the workers' comp law in my state; therefore I have legally
elected not to purchase it. However, should that ever change, I will make sure I follow the statute
and purchase workers' compensation insurance."
Print name Signature
AFL (Arctic Freight Logistics) MC # 688985 Phone: 206-519-2991 Fax: 888-453-0030 Email: Operations@AFLogistics.org
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(Arctic Freight Logistics)
Broker-Carrier Contract
This contract is made this
day of , 20 between Arctic Freight Logistics,
referred to as “BROKER and _, hereinafter
referred as to “CARRIER”.
Broker is a freight broker, duly authorized by the Federal Highway Administration
(FHWA) under permit number MC 688985, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a
part hereof, to arrange for the transportation of property by motor carrier on behalf of
motor carriers, shippers, consignors, receivers, consignees, and for the purpose of contract
carriage, sufficiently controls the arrangements for transportation of the commodities to
be tendered to carrier under this contract.
Carrier is a motor carrier of property, duly authorized by the Federal Highway
Administration under permit number MC , a copy of which is attached hereto and made
a part hereof, to provide transportation of property under contract for shippers and
receivers of general commodities.
Broker & Carrier understand that this contract does not bind the respective parties to
mutually exclusive service to each other, and that Broker may enter into similar contracts
with other motor carriers, and Carrier may enter into similar contracts with other
shippers and receivers. Carrier will ONLY be paid in full when Arctic Freight Logistics
receives all the requested documentation needed from the Arctic Freight Logistics carrier
General Obligations and Scope of Contract. During the time of this Contract, Broker
shall tender a series of shipments to Carrier for transportation and Carrier shall accept and
transport a series of shipments tendered to it by Broker. All for-hire motor carrier
transportation services provided by Carrier for Broker during the term of this Contract shall
be provided by Carrier as a contract under the terms of this Contract.
Term and Termination. The term of this Contract shall begin on the date set forth above
or on the date the first shipments is tendered by Broker to Carrier and is transported by
Carrier, whichever is earlier and shall remain in effect for a period of one (1) year.
Thereafter, the Contract shall automatically renew from month to month until terminated.
The Contract may be terminated by Broker at any time for any reason by giving Carrier at
least thirty (30) days prior written notice. This Contract shall be automatically cancelled in
the event of the event of the cancellation, suspension of revocation of Carrier’s Motor
Carrier license issued by the FHWA, or in the event either party files a petition for
Specific Obligation of Broker.
Payment. Broker agrees to pay Carrier for the transportation of the commodities
moved under this Contract the rate and charges set forth on paragraph 5, a herein.
Broker agrees to pay Carrier within thirty (30) days after receiving all required
proof of delivery paperwork.
Specific Obligation of Carrier.
AFL (Arctic Freight Logistics) MC # 688985 Phone: 206-519-2991 Fax: 888-453-0030 Email: Operations@AFLoigstics.org
P a g e
Service. Carrier shall transport shipments for Broker by motor vehicle from and
such points between which service may be required, without delay, subject to the
availability of suitable equipment for the traffic offered and specific shipments
instructions, all in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract.
Carrier shall transport and deliver all freight in as good condition as when the
Carrier for transport. Carrier, at its sole cost and expense, shall furnish all
equipment in clean condition, good repair and working order. Carrier, at its sole
cost and expense, shall provide all employees or other personnel necessary to
provide service hereunder; and all employees or other competent and legally
qualified to handle and transport the shipments transported hereunder. Without
the prior written consent of Broker. Carrier shall not cause or permit any shipment
tendered hereunder to be brokered to or transported by any other motor carrier, or
in substitute service by railroad or other modes of transportation. Carrier shall
perform loading and unloading services as required by Broker or Broker’s customers.
Bill of Lading. Carrier shall issue a bill of lading. In a form furnished by Broker and
Broker’s customer at the option of the Broker, for all property it receives for
transportation under this Contract. Failure to issue or sign a bill of lading shall not
affect Carrier’s liability. The bill of lading shall be evidence of receipt of the
described property by Carrier in good order and kind, quality and condition except
as noted on its face. The bill of lading shall note that the shipment was
transported by carrier acting as a Carrier acting as a Carrier and that transportation
for the shipment was arranged by Broker. The name of Broker or Broker’s customer
shall be inserted in the black for the shipper, and the name of the receiver shall be
inserted in the blank for the consignee. The bill of lading is to be signed by Carrier
upon receipt of the shipment and will show the kind, quantity and condition of the
commodities received and delivered by Carrier at the loading and unloading
points. When Broker has assembled multiple shipments into carload or truckload
lots, the list of underlying shippers and consignees will be attached as an appendix
to the bill of lading.
Refused or rejected Shipments. When a shipment is refused or rejected by the
consignee, or Carrier is unable to deliver for any reason, Carrier must notify Broker
immediately in order to receive disposition instructions.
Liability. Carrier shall be liable to Broker’s customer, the beneficial owner of the
cargo, or their respective assigns for the full actual loss, damage, or injury to freight,
persons, business or other property, including expenses for delay, costs of recovery,
cleanup or containment of commodity, occurring while shipment was in the
possession or under the control of Carrier pursuant to this Contract or resulting
from Carrier’s performance of, or failure to perform, the services provided for
herein. For purposes of this contract, all liability standards and burdens of proof
hereunder are governed by the common law applicable to common carriers and by
49 U.S.C 11707.
Cargo Insurance. Carrier shall maintain cargo insurance in the amount equal to
the full value of the maximum quantity of goods expected to be transported at any
time under this Contract, but in no event in any amount less than $100,000 per
shipment to compensate Broker, Broker’s customer, or the beneficial owner of the
freight for and all loss, damage or delay to property which was placed possession
or control of Carrier in connection with services provided by Carrier hereunder.
Carrier shall cause its insurance carrier to immediately forward to Broker a
Standard Certificate of Insurance requiring the insurance carrier to give Broker
written notice thirty (30) days prior to the cancellation of the cargo insurance.
Public Liability and Worker’s Compensation Insurance. Carrier’s insurance
carrier shall provide Broker a certificate of public liability insurance prior to or at
the time this Contract is signed by the parties, which certificate shall require the
insurance carrier to give Broker written notice thirty (30) days prior to cancellation
of the liability insurance. Carrier also shall carry, furnish, keep in force at all times
Worker’s Compensation insurance in the amount required by Washington and
AFL (Arctic Freight Logistics) MC # 688985 Phone: 206-519-2991 Fax: 888-453-0030 Email: Operations@AFLogistics.org
P a g e
Federal l
Hold Harmless. Carrier shall defend and hold Broker and Broker’s customer
harmless from, and indemnify Broker and Broker’s customer for any and all liability,
costs, damages or claims, including attorney’s fees, for loss or damages to any
freight in Carriers possession or control pursuant to this contract. Carriers further
shall defend and hold Broker and Broker’s customer harmless from, and indemnify
Broker and Broker’s customer from any and all liability, costs, damages, claims, 3
including attorney’s fees, for personal injury or death or property loss damage
arising out of the acts of omissions of Carrier in providing services hereunder.
Carrier’s obligation to defend, hold harmless and indemnify Broker shall survive
and termination of this contract.
Authority. Carrier warrants that it has, and will have during the entire term of
this Contract, authority from all federal, state and other governmental bodies to
legally provide all services called for hereunder in a lawful and prudent manner.
Carrier will immediately notify Broker of any change in its authority. No freight
charges will be due or owing by Broker or Broker’s customer during any period
that Carrier’s authority is cancelled, suspended or revoked.
Appointments. Carrier shall make and keep all delivery appointments.
Appointments must be made and communicated to the Broker by the Carrier on
the same day shipment information is received if time allows, and in any event no
later than the morning of the next day.
Waiver of Lien. Carrier shall neither have nor claim any lien rights on or against
any property transported under this Contract. In the event that Carrier violates the
terms of this paragraph, its terms of this paragraph, it shall forfeit all rights to any
and all charges for shipments transported pursuant to this Contract then due and
owing by Broker or Broker’s customer to Carrier.
Rates and Charges.
Rates. The rates and charges Carrier agrees to bill Broker for services provided
under this Contract, and the rates and charges Broker agrees to pay Carrier for
services provided under this Contract, shall be set forth on a per load basis. A
confirmation fax or email will be sent for each load tendered by Broker to
Carrier. Confirmation must be signed by Carrier and faxed or emailed back to Broker
Billing. Carrier shall send its invoices for prepaid freight to AFL - Arctic Freight
Logistics, 12154 Darnestown Road # 605, Gaithersburg, MD 20878, Carrier shall have
no recourse against Broker for unpaid collect shipments.
Payment by Broker’s Customers. Payment of the freight charges to Broker by
Broker’s customer shall relieve the Broker’s customer, receiver, cosigner, and
consignee of any additional liability for freight charges. Carrier’s sole recourse shall
be against Broker except where otherwise provided in this contract.
Claims. Claims against Carrier for loss, damage, injury or delay to freight may be filed
Carrier by Broker, Broker’s customer, parties to the bill of lading, or the beneficial owner of
the freight within nine (9) months of delivery or, in the event of loss, within nine (9) months
of when delivery should have reasonably occurred. Carrier shall acknowledge freight claims
within forty-eight (48) hours of receipt. Claims shall be settled within thirty
(30) of receipt unless otherwise agreed. The time limit within which Broker must institute
suit against Carrier to recover on a claim shall be two years and a day from the date Broker
received a written disallowance of the claim from Carrier.
Carrier‘s Equipment and Driver responsibility.
AFL (Arctic Freight Logistics) MC # 688985 Phone: 206-519-2991 Fax: 888-453-0030 Email: Operations@AFLogistics.org
P a g e
Confiscation. Neither Broker nor Broker’s customers shall be liable to Carrier for
any damages sustained by or to Carrier’s equipment or loss by confiscation or
seizure of Carrier’s equipment by any public authority.
Condition. Carriers’ equipment shall be clean, odor-free, dry, leak-proof
and free of contamination and infestation. Said equipment shall be subject to
inspection for suitability of cleanliness and safety by Broker or Broker’s
customer, and must meet with their approval.
Compliance with Federal Lax Regarding Contract Carriers. Both parties recognize
that the motor contract service to be provided hereunder is based on the Carrier either (a)
Assigning motor vehicles for continuing periods of time for the exclusive use of Broker or
Broker’s customer(s), or (b) providing a service designed to meet the distinct needs of
Broker or Broker’s customer(s) This Contract contemplates both the assignments of
motor vehicles for a continuing period of time and services designed to meet the distinct
needs of, Broker and/or Broker’s customers, depending upon the circumstances.
Compliance with Other Laws and regulations. Carrier shall comply with all
applicable ICC and DOT regulations as well as all other federal and state laws or
regulations applicable to motor contract carriers.
Independent Contractor Relationship. The relationship of the Carrier to the Broker
shall at all times be that of an independent contractor, except that the Broker shall be the
agent for the carrier for the collection of freight charges under paragraph 5. Carriers shall
be an independent contractor and not a servant, agent, employee, joint venture or partner
of Broker. Carrier shall be totally responsible for the following: Selection, compensation,
working hours, working conditions, retention and discipline of personnel, supervision and
control of the personnel of personnel of Carrier and the mode and manner in which they
perform their duties; legality or length, weight and height of cargo as loaded, selection of
routing, periods of rest, periods of maintenance, maintenance of logs, safety precautions,
and all suck other activities involved in performing its duties there under; compliance with
federal, state, municipal and other application motor carrier laws and regulations; payment
of all federal, state and local personnel and business income taxes, social security
contributions, unemployment taxes, worker’s compensation premiums or expenses, other
expenses or contributions typical for employees, business and license fees, fines or
penalties or interest on any of the forgoing arising out of the activities of Carrier pursuant
to this Contract; selection, repair and maintenance of all equipment; and all costs and
expenses incurred in providing services hereunder.
No Solicitation of Customer. During the term of this Contract and for a period of one (1)
year from the time of the termination of this Contract, Carrier shall not, directly or
indirectly, solicit or do business of a transportation or warehousing nature with any of
Broker’s customers who are serviced by Carrier as a result of this Contract, unless
otherwise to in writing, Further and without waiving the foregoing, Carrier shall pay
Broker the sum of fifteen (15) percent of all gross revenues that Carrier either receives or
bills Broker’s customer for cargo transported by Carrier for Broker’s customer in violation
of the provisions of this paragraph. Broker shall also be entitled to seek other relief, such
as injunctive relief to enforce the provisions of this paragraph. Carrier will be fined $250
per each incident of contact attempted with the Broker's customer regarding new business
or trying to collect on disputed invoices with Broker. Carrier shall not seek recourse or
payment from Broker's customer.
Force Majeure. Neither party is liable for the failure to tender or timely transport freight
under this Contract if the delay or other omissions is caused by strikes, acts of God, war,
accidents, civil disorder, or through compliance with legally constituted order of civil or
military authorities.
Attorney Fees. In a proceeding, action or suit involving this Contract, whether arbitrated
or judicially determined, the prevailing party shall recover from the losing party amounts
the arbitrator or court determines reasonable as costs and attorney fees for the proceeding,
AFL (Arctic Freight Logistics) MC # 688985 Phone: 206-519-2991 Fax: 888-453-0030 Email: Operations@AFLogistics.org
P a g e
Street Address:
action or suit, in addition to any other sums as may be allowed as provided by law.
Governing Law; Jurisdiction; Venue. The Contract shall be governed by and construed
in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Any action filed in relation to this
Contract shall be filed in the District or Circuit Court for the State of California, whichever
court is appropriate, in either the county of Broker’s domicile or Orange County, New York
at the option of the Broker. Carrier agrees to, and hereby does, submit to the jurisdiction of
the courts of the State of New York and further consents that the proper venue for any
action shall be in either the county of Broker’s domicile or in Orange County, New York.
Nonwaiver. Waiver of any default or breach of this Contract of any warranty,
representation, covenant or obligation contained herein shall not be considered as a
waiver of any subsequent breach.
Authority of Representation to Blind Parties. The parties warrant that the persons
signing this Contract respectively for Carrier and Broker are their authorized
representatives to sign such contract. No further proof
of authorization is or shall be required
er: Carrier:
Company Name:
AFL (Arctic Freight Logistics)
112154 Darnestown Road #605
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
City, State, Zip:
Contact Person:
Contact phone #1:
Contact phone #2:
Contact Email:
Printed Name:
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AFL (Arctic Freight Logistics) MC # 688985 Phone: 206-519-2991 Fax: 888-453-0030 Email: Operations@AFLogistics.org
19 | Page
Arctic Freight Logistics
Errors and Omissions Agreement
ems not covered by your (carrier) Insurance Policy
is agreement is between you as the principal owner and/or principal operating (here forth known as
CPO/PO) your company (carrier) and Arctic Freight Logistics (truck broker).
lure to disclose to Arctic Freight Logistics what your insurance policy’s exclusions are, does not exclude
you from your (as the carrier’s) fiduciary/financial responsibilities that without these exclusions would be
covered by insurance.
mples are (but are not limited to):
Driver Error (loading incorrectly, setting temperature incorrectly, damaging product, neglect, etc)
Cargo exclusions (if equipment failure occurred other than the refrigerated trailer unit, and this
equipment caused damage or spoilage to the product you are carrying).
Any and all exclusions that have not been disclosed to Arctic Freight Logistics that would
prevent Arctic Freight Logistics from filing an insurance claim against you due to your
negligence, error, or omission.
You as the principal owner and/or principal operating your company (carrier) agree to personally
become liable for these exclusions. If you fail to come to terms with Arctic Freight Logistics for any
financial loss Arctic Freight Logistics may have occurred due to your or any representative of your
company’s negligence, error, equipment failure or omission, you personally will become liable for this
financial loss and any/all costs Arctic Freight Logistics incurs trying to pursue reimbursement of said
financial loss (including but not limited to legal costs).
Carrier Name
Carrier Tax ID #
_________________________________________________ _____________________________________
Carrier Principal Owner/Principal Operator (CPO/PO) CPO/PO Social Security #
_____________________________________ ______________________ _______________
***************Using fake or incorrect Tax ID and Social Security # Disclosure******************
According to USDOJ, some of the potential penalties include:
o Using false documents to be employed: A maximum penalty of 10 years without parole in federal
prison and a fine up to $250,000.
o Making a false statement on an I-9: A maximum penalty of 5 years in federal prison without parole
and a fine up to $250,000.
o Misusing a Social Security number: A maximum penalty of 5 years in federal prison without parole and a fine up to
o Using false documents with intent to defraud the United States: A maximum penalty of 15 years in
federal prison without parole and a fine up to $250,000.
o Possession of false United States documents: A maximum penalty of 15 years in federal prison without
parole and a fine up to $250,000.
o Aggravated identity theft: A mandatory penalty of 2 years in federal prison to run consecutively
to any other sentence, and a fine up to $250,000.
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Freight Logistics
After Hours Support
Please call 206-519-2991
ERY 15 MINUTES (do not give up)
24/7 SUPPORT: Operations@AFLogistics.org
Please make sure you are calling us with any/all delays that may affect an OTD. We cannot help you
if you do not call us/leave us a message. Failure to make an OTD without timely communication
(within 2 hours of any event/delay that will result in delays on your load making OTD) will result in
late fees. In addition to calling, please email Operations@AFLogistics.org to document the issue
you are having.
If you are still not having success, please text your Broker no matter what time of
night or day it is.
AFL (Arctic Freight Logistics) MC # 688985 Phone: 206-620-2562 Fax: 888-453-0030 Email: Operations@AFLogistics.org
AFL (Arctic Freight Logistics) MC # 688985 Phone: 206-519-2991 Fax: 888-453-0030 Email: Operations@AFLogistics.org
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(Arctic Freight Logistics)
MC Authority
FORM BMC-84 Revised 05/20/2013 OMB No.: 2126-0017 Expiration: 01/31/2014
FORM BMC-84 Page 1 of 2
United States Department of Transportation
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
A Federal Agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply
with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a current
valid OMB Control Number. e OMB Control Number for this information collection is 2126-0017. Public reporting for this collection of information
is estimated to be approximately 10 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering the data needed, and completing and
reviewing the collection of information. All responses to this collection of information are mandatory. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or
any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collection Clearance Ocer, Federal
Motor Carrier Safety Administration, MC-RRA, Washington, D.C. 20590.
as PRINCIPAL (hereinafter called Principal), and
under the laws of the State of
This bond is eective the
Principal as stated herein and shall continue in force until terminated as hereinafter provided. The Principal or the Surety may at any time
cancel this bond by written notice to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration at its oce in Washington, DC, such cancellation to
become eective thirty (30) days after actual receipt of said notice by the FMCSA on the prescribed Form BMC-36, Notice of Cancellation
Motor Carrier and Broker Surety Bond. The Surety shall not be liable hereunder for the payment of any damages herein before described
which arise as the result of any contracts, agreements, undertakings, or arrangements made by the Principal for the supplying of
transportation after the termination of this bond as herein provided, but such termination shall not aect the liability of the Surety
hereunder for the payment of any such damages arising as the result of contracts, agreements, or arrangements made by the Principal
for the supplying of transportation prior to the date such termination becomes eective.
The receipt of this ling by the FMCSA certies that a Broker Surety Bond has been issued by the company identied above, and that
such company is qualied to make this ling under Section 387.315 of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
Falsication of this document can result in criminal penalties prescribed under 18 U.S.C. 1001.
America in the sum of $75,000 for a broker or freight forwarder, for which payment, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and our
heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, rmly by these presents.
WHEREAS, the Principal is or intends to become a Broker or Freight Forwarder pursuant to the provisions of Title 49 U.S.C. 13904, and
the rules and regulations of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration relating to insurance or other security for the protection
of motor carriers and shippers, and has elected to le with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration such a bond as will ensure
nancial responsibility and the supplying of transportation subject to the ICC Termination Act of 1995 in accordance with contracts,
agreements, or arrangements therefore, and
WHEREAS, this bond is written to assure compliance by the Principal as either a licensed Broker or a licensed Freight Forwarder
of Transportation by motor vehicle with 49 U.S.C. 13906(b), and the rules and regulations of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration, relating to insurance or other security for the protection of motor carriers and shippers, and shall inure to the benet of
any and all motor carriers or shippers to whom the Principal may be legally liable for any of the damages herein described.
NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such that if the Principal shall pay or cause to be paid to motor carriers or shippers
by motor vehicle any sum or sums for which the Principal may be held legally liable by reason of the Principal’s failure faithfully to
perform, fulll, and carry out all contracts, agreements, and arrangements made by the Principal while this bond is in eect for the
supplying of transportation subject to the ICC Termination Act of 1995 under license issued to the Principal by the Federal Motor Carrier
Safety Administration, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and eect.
The liability of the Surety shall not be discharged by any payment or succession of payments hereunder, unless and until such payment
or payments shall amount in the aggregate to the penalty of the bond, but in no event shall the Suretys obligation hereunder exceed
the amount of said penalty. The Surety agrees to furnish written notice to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration forthwith of all
suits led, judgements rendered, and payments made by said Surety under this bond.
(hereinafter called Surety), are held and rmly bound unto the United States of
a corporation, or a Risk Retention Group established under the Liability Risk Retention Act of 1986, Pub. L. 99-563, created and existing
Broker’s or Freight Forwarder’s Surety Bond under 49 U.S.C. 13906
Filer FMCSA Account Number:
(Name of Broker or Freight Forwarder)
(Name of Surety)
(Street) (City) (State)
day of 12:01 a.m., standard time at the address of the , ,
19115 68TH AVE S STE H111
Great American Insurance Company
Bond Number:
FORM BMC-84 Revised 05/20/2013 OMB No.: 2126-0017 Expiration: 01/31/2014
FORM BMC-84 Page 2 of 2
day of
(type or print Principal ocer’s name and title) (type or print Principal ocer’s name and title)
(type or print witnesss name) (type or print witnesss name)
(Principal ocer’s signature) (Principal ocer’s signature)
(witnesss signature) (witnesss signature)
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Principal and Surety have executed this instrument on the , .
(ax Surety seal)
(725) 300-5430
19115 68TH AVE S STE H111
Great American Insurance Company
(877) 514-5146
, Attorney-in-Fact
John D. Weisbrot
301 E 4th Street
From: Days to Pay <DTP@truckstop.com>
Tuesday, September 22, 2020 3:20 PM
Truckstop.com Rating Review for ARCTIC FREIGHT LOGISTICS LLC
DaystoPay 31
Nancy Meza
Agent | Assurance Data Management
p: 208-272-9039 f: 208-906-1120
CONFIDENTIALITYNOTICE:Theconten tsofthisemailmessageandanyattachmentsareintendedsolelyfortheaddressee(s)and
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