Fayette County Final Plat Checklist
Planning and Zoning
Final Plat Checklist
Revised June 2009
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Plan Included (Items marked with * are missing or deficient)
Page# Y/N
______ ______ 1. Provide County, land district, land lot and subdivision name (Georgia Plat
______ ______ 2. Indicate date of plat preparation; provide scale of drawing, stated and
shown graphically (Georgia Plat Act).
______ ______ 3. Provide north arrow and vicinity map.
______ ______ 4. Name, address, and telephone number of owner and/or developer.
______ ______ 5. Name, address, and telephone number, registration number, seal and
signature the project’s engineer, surveyor, or architect. The design
profession must be licensed in the State of Georgia.
______ ______ 6. Provide signature blocks for County approval: Environmental Health,
County Engineer, Planning Commission Secretary, Zoning Administrator,
and Fire Marshal (§ 5-2.3 of Subdivision Regulations).
______ ______ 7. Provide a legend for all abbreviations.
______ ______ 8. Provide an index of sheets if more than one sheet is provided.
______ ______ 9. Show property lines with bearings and distances of subject property.
Provide a matching Warranty Deed and legal description of property (if
______ ______ 10. Within the general notes, indicate the zoning district; minimum lot sizes;
front, side and rear setbacks; and minimum house size.
______ ______ 11. Show all land lot lines; land district lines; land section lines; and city and
county boundaries intersecting or adjacent to the property.
______ ______ 12. Provide total acreage of tract, total number of lots, acreage in lots,
acreage in right-of-way (R/W) and acreage used for stormwater
______ ______ 13. Provide rezoning information, including petition number, date of approval
and exact wording of any rezoning conditions (if applicable); and any
approved variances including petition number and date of approval (if
______ ______ 14. Provide Information regarding the preliminary plat, including date of
approval by the Planning Commission and exact wording of any related
conditions of approval.
Fayette County Final Plat Checklist
Planning and Zoning
Final Plat Checklist
Revised June 2009
Page 2 of 9
Plan Included (Items marked with * are missing or deficient)
Page# Y/N
______ ______ 15. Show front, side, and rear setback lines as dashed lines. Indicate
minimum lot width at the front building line, as required by the Planning &
Zoning Department.
______ ______ 16. Provide the area of each lot/parcel to the 1/100
acre; label the lot
numbers; show the bearings & distances of all lots; and identify the
parent tract, if applicable.
______ ______ 17. Provide zoning and property owner name and/or subdivision name of all
adjacent properties.
______ ______ 18. Indicate how lots will be served by water and sewage disposal.
______ ______ 19. Identify all existing structures and features and label as “to remain” or “to
be removed”. Structures to remain must be shown on individual lots and
meet all applicable zoning requirements. “Features” include railroads,
sewers, bridges, culverts, drain pipes, water mains, cemeteries, etc.
Provide a note if there are no existing structures or features on the
______ ______ 20. Show all existing and proposed streets on and adjacent to property.
Label R/W widths; provide R/W dedication, as needed. Label proposed
street names; include house numbers.
______ ______ 21. Show location, purpose, and width of any easements of record. Provide
a note if there are no existing easements associated with the property.
______ ______ 22. Indicate the boundaries, area, and proposed site improvements for any
recreation areas. Label recreation areas “Not a Residential Building Lot,
For Recreational Purposes Only.”
______ ______ 23. The title block shall state: “Final Plat of . . .” A revision to a final plat
must state “Revised Final Plat of . . .” and also purpose of revision and
date of revision.
______ ______ 24. Contiguous Areas – Provide the following statement: Each buildable lot
has a minimum contiguous area of ____ acres that is free and clear of
zoning buffers and setbacks, watershed protection buffers and setbacks,
jurisdictional wetlands, and easements of any kind. Section 6-3.3 of the
Subdivision Regulations lists the minimum area requirements per zoning
Zoning Minimum Contiguous Area
District Free & Clear (ac)
A-R 2.0
EST 1.3
R-85, R-80 1.5
R-78, R-75, R-72, R-70 0.9
R-55, R-50, R-45, R-40, R-20, DR-15, C-S 0.6
Where public water is not available – lots have individual wells
R-55, R-50, R-45, R-40, R-20, DR-15, C-S 0.3
2 Where public water is available
Fayette County Final Plat Checklist
Planning and Zoning
Final Plat Checklist
Revised June 2009
Page 3 of 9
Plan Included Items marked with * are missing or deficient)
Page# Y/N
______ ______ 25. Application for motorized cart use.
______ ______ 26. Provide the following statements on the face of the plat:
We, the undersigned owner(s) and/or mortgagee(s) of
the ______________________________ Subdivision,
hereby offer to dedicate and/or reserve for public use the
rights-of-way, easements and other ground shown on
this plat.
Owner Date Mortgagee Date
________________ ________ __________________ ______
________________ ________ __________________ ______
All property contained within the right-of-way of (insert street name(s))
said roads having at least a minimum of _____ foot right-of-way as
indicated hereon, are hereby deeded to Fayette County, a political
subdivision of the State of Georgia, at no costs to Fayette County upon
recordation of said Final Plat with the Fayette County Clerk of Superior
Approval/Date Resubmit/Date
Planning & Zoning Department
Administrative Complex - Suite 202
140 Stonewall Avenue, West
Fayetteville, Georgia 30214
(T) 770-305-5421
(F) 770-305-5305 or 770-305-5258
Fayette County Final Plat Checklist
Final Plat Checklist
Revised June 2009
Page 4 of 9
Plan Included Items marked with * are missing or deficient
Page# Y/N
______ ______ 27. Georgia Plat Act – accuracy statement and note of equipment used.
______ ______ 28. Georgia Plat Act – Show the direction and distance from a point of
reference to a point on the boundary of the survey. The point of
reference shall be an established, monumented position which can be
identified or relocated from maps, plats, or other documents on public
______ ______ 29. Georgia Plat Act – Show the closure precision of the field survey. This
may be stated as follows: “The field data upon which this map or plat is
based has a closure precision of one foot in _____ feet, and an angular
error of _____ per angle point, and was adjusted using _____ rule.”
______ ______ 30. Georgia Plat Act – Show the closure precision of the data shown on the
plat. The closure may be stated as follows: “This map or plat has been
calculated for closure and is found to be accurate within one foot in
_____ feet.
______ ______ 31. Georgia Plat Act – State the type of equipment used to obtain the linear
and angular measurements used in preparation of the plat.
______ ______ 32. Surveying – Provide line and curve data for all right-of-way, parcel/lot
boundaries, and easements. Line data shall include bearing and length.
Curve data shall include the arc length, radius, chord length and chord
______ ______ 33. Surveying – Street centerline curve data shall include the deflection angle
(delta), radius, length and tangent.
______ ______ 34. Surveying – Lengths shall be expressed to the nearest one-hundredth
) of a foot. Angles shall be shown to the nearest minute. The
error of closure shall not exceed third order accuracy (one in five
______ ______ 35. Corner Lots – Fillet (20-ft radius) or chamfer corner property lines at
street intersections.
______ ______ 36. Street Length – Indicate the length of each street in the Subdivision.
Fayette County Final Plat Checklist
Final Plat Checklist
Revised June 2009
Page 5 of 9
Plan Included Items marked with * are missing or deficient
Page# Y/N
______ ______ 37. Provide the following statements on the face of the plat:
I hereby certify that this plat is true and correct and was
prepared from an actual survey of the property by me or
under my supervision; that all monuments and
infrastructure shown hereon actually exist or are marked
as “future”; and their location, size, type and material are
correctly shown.
By: ________________________________________________
GA Registered Land Surveyor – Signature and License Number Date
I hereby certify that accepted engineering practices and
design methods were used to establish the layout of this
development; that the streets, drainage structures and
other design features have been constructed according
to the development’s approved Construction Drawings;
and that all applicable requirements of Fayette County’s
Development Regulations and Subdivision Regulations
have been fully complied with.
By: __________________________________________
GA Professional Engineer – Signature and License Number Date
– The following submittals and checks shall be satisfied prior to final plat approval.
Items marked with * have not been received
Start Finish
Date Date
______ ______ 38. Core Sample Report (§8-49.2)
______ ______ 39. Soil Density Tests (§8-49.2)
______ ______ 40. Utilities – power, gas and water installed (§7-10.2 of S/D regulations)
______ ______ 41. Performance Bond (§8-1 and 8-2 of S/D regulations)
______ ______ 42. Maintenance Bond (§9-1 of S/D regulations) Amount $
______ ______ 43. Engineering Department final inspection. (Call Department to schedule.)
Fayette County Final Plat Checklist
Final Plat Checklist
Revised June 2009
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Engineering Department Engineering Department Resubmit/Date
115 McDonough Rd.
Fayetteville, Georgia 30215
(T) 770-461-3142
(F) 770-719-0871
E-mail: engineering@fayettecountyga.gov
Engineering Department Approval/Date
Fayette County Final Plat Checklist
Final Plat Checklist
Revised June 2009
Page 7 of 9
Plan Included Items marked with * are missing or deficient
Page# Y/N
______ ______ 44. Monuments – Show the location, material and description of all
______ ______ 45. Monuments – Provide a permanent benchmark on site, per §5-2.5 of the
Subdivision Regulations.
______ ______ 46. Easements – Delineate and label all easements.
______ ______ 47. State Waters – Show all state waters within the subdivision and all state
waters around the property that have floodplain, wetlands, or watershed
protection buffers and setbacks that extend into the subdivision property.
Provide a note if there are no state waters.
______ ______ 48. Watershed Protection – Delineate watershed protection buffers and
setbacks per Article VII of the Development Regulations. Label as
“Watershed Protection Buffer” and “Watershed Protection Setback”.
Show the 1,000-ft watershed protection impact boundary, if applicable.
______ ______ 49. Floodplain – Provide a flood hazard certification statement. Reference
the FIRM panel number and date.
______ ______ 50. Floodplain – Delineate and label all flood hazard areas (natural and man-
made). Provide 100-year flood elevations for each hazard area.
Reference the source(s) of any flood hazard data shown on the final plat.
______ ______ 51. Floodplain – Indicate the contiguous area outside floodplain for each lot
containing a flood hazard area. Buildable lots shall have fifty percent of
the minimum lot size or one acre, whichever is greater, outside any flood
hazard areas.
______ ______ 52. Floodplain – Establish a minimum finish floor elevation (MFFE) at least 3
ft above the 100-year flood elevation for each lot containing a flood
hazard area.
______ ______ 53. Wetlands – Delineate all jurisdictional wetlands. Identify the source of the
wetland delineation. Include the following statement, if applicable, or
provide a note if there are no wetlands on the property. “Wetlands shown
on this plat are under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers. Property owners may be subject to penalty by law for
disturbance to these wetland areas without proper authorization.”
______ ______ 54. Soils – Show and label the limit of hydric soils. Reference the source of
the soil data/delineation.
Fayette County Final Plat Checklist
Final Plat Checklist
Revised June 2009
Page 8 of 9
Plan Included Items marked with * are missing or deficient
Page# Y/N
______ ______ 55. Stormwater – Identify and label all stormwater management control
structures (inlets, pipes, headwalls, BMPs, etc.) within the project. The
nomenclature should match that used for the project’s Inspection and
Maintenance Agreement for Stormwater Management Controls.
Stormwater controls shall be on common property.
______ ______ 56. Include the following statement: “Fayette County does not accept the
ownership, maintenance or responsibility for any drainage easement or
overall drainage plan, or the lack of one, indicated by this plat. “
______ ______ 57. Include the following statement:
The property conveyed herein is subject to the restrictive covenants of
the ____________ Homeowners Association and an Inspection and
Maintenance Agreement for Stormwater Management Controls
recorded in Deed Book ___, page ___. Failure to satisfy the inspection
and maintenance requirements of the above-referenced agreement
may result in enforcement action by the County, including but not
limited to, judgment liens against the property owners and/or
Homeowners Association. The inspection and maintenance
agreement is recorded with the Clerk of Courts. A copy of the
agreement is available at the Fayette County Engineering Department.
Submittals – The following submittals and checks shall be satisfied prior to final plat approval.
Start Finish
Date Date
______ ______ 58. Soil Density Tests (§8-49.2)
______ ______ 59. Storm Sewer Installation Report (§8-454(F))
______ ______ 60. PE Construction Inspection Reports of Stormwater Controls (§8-455(A))
______ ______ 61. PE Stormwater System Final Inspection and As-Built Plans (§8-455(B))
______ ______ 62. Stormwater Management Operations & Maintenance Plan (§8-
______ ______ 63. Inspection and Maintenance Agreement for Stormwater Controls (§8-
______ ______ 64. Master Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan for House Construction
______ ______ 65. Installation of Improvements (§7-8 of S/D regulations)
Fayette County Final Plat Checklist
Final Plat Checklist
Revised June 2009
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______ ______ 66. Grassing and Erosion Control (§7-9 of S/D regulations)
______ ______ 67. Performance Bond (§8-1 and 8-2 of S/D regulations)
______ ______ 68. Maintenance Bond (§9-1 of S/D regulations) Amount $
______ ______ 69. Street Light Petition (§4-2.5 of S/D regulations)
______ ______ 70. Electronic copy of plat in state plane coordinates (§4-2.5 of S/D
regulations)( NAD-83, Georgia West Zone 1002).
______ ______ 71. Stormwater Department final inspection. (Call Department to schedule.)
Stormwater Management Department Stormwater Management Department
140 Stonewall Avenue West, Suite 203 Resubmit/Date
Fayetteville, Georgia 30214
(T) 770-305-5410
(F) 770-305-5256
E-mail: stormwater@fayettecountyga.gov
Stormwater Department Approval/Date