Fast Track Resource Consent – guide for applicants
(When lodging your application, please detach this page and keep it for your future reference)
Have you provided the following?
Your application, including Assessment of Environmental Effects fully completed
Refer to advice notes XX and XX if you need assistance
Plans drawn to scale, including:
Site plan that identifies the property boundaries
Any other buildings (highlighting the proposed building)
Distances to boundaries (between all structures and boundaries)
Vehicle entrance, driveway, turning circle and on-site manoeuvring
Identification of topography
Elevation drawings, or if the building is being re-sited, photos
The written approval of any affected person(s). Refer to the completed Affected Person(s) Written Approval Form
If Māori land – evidence of right to build, e.g. Licence to Occupy (given by the Trustees), Occupation Orders,
Hapū Partition (issued by Māori Land Court)
Is your additional dwelling going to impact on a State Highway, e.g. the proposed access for your dwelling is
directly off a State Highway? If so, then you will need to provide consent from NZTA with your application. If
you have not received consent then you must provide evidence of your consultation with NZTA.
Electronic address for service has been provided
Note: An electronic Address for service is a mandatory requirement for fast track consent applications
Application fee/deposit
Note: the initial lodgement deposit paid on application may not cover the total cost of processing this application. The Council charges
for receiving, processing and granting of consents on an actual costs basis. You may receive a refund or an account for additional costs.
All of the above information must be supplied with your application. Pursuant to Section 88(3) of the Resource Management Act 1991 your application
may be rejected if the information and application is incomplete. You have the ability, under Section 88(5), to object to the decision to reject your
application, if applicable. Under the fast track process, notice of the decision must be given within 10 working days, after the date the application was
first lodged with Council, unless further information is required or the applicant opts out of the fast track process at the time of lodgement.
Please also note that during the processing of the application, if the consent is required to be notified or requires a hearing the consent will stop being
eligible to be a fast track approval. Where this happens, Council will advise the applicant/applicant’s agent that this is the case and will continuing to
process the application as a standard resource consent application.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Duty Planner on 07 306 0500 if you require any assistance. Our postal address is Whakatāne District Council, Private
Bag 1002, Whakatāne 3158, email planning@whakatane.govt.nz