Farm & Ranch Hay Questionnaire
Insured: _____________________________________ Date: _____________________
Hay Exposure
Note: Provide a diagram which describes and indicates spacing between hay stacks and buildings for each hay storage location
• Does the Insured require the hay dealer/broker to deliver hay at specified moisture content? Yes No
• Do they probe? Yes No When and h
ow often do they probe? __________________________________
• Is the hay stored in the open “tarped”? (N/A in CA) Yes No
• What percentage of baled hay
has been grown by the client?
• What is the maximum value for any one
stack? __________________________________
• What percentage of the client’s hay is large bale (500# or larger)? __
• How does the client monitor the moisture level in a stack or in a barn?
• Have employees been trained on how to handle “Hot” bales? Yes No
• Is a loader or other equipment kept in the area to aid in fire fightin
g or controlling
“Hot” bales? Yes No
• Does the Insured keep a Clear Space between Hay Stacks (in the Open) of at least 100 feet? Yes No
Explain all “No” responses in the ‘Remarks’ Section (below)
Remarks: __________________________________________________________________________
Edition 09/2012