Application for Farm License Plates
Additional Information
The vehicle cannot be used in connection with other gainful employment other than farming or ranching.
The vehicle may be used as the means of passenger transport, without charge, only by me or by members of my family to attend
church or school, to visit doctors for medical treatment or supplies, and for other necessities of the home and family.
The following definitions apply:
• "Equine animal" means a horse, pony, mule, donkey, or hinny.
• Participating in equine activities means riding, handling, training, driving, being a passenger on, or assisting a
participant or sponsor with an equine animal, including assisting in the medical treatment of an equine animal and management
of a show involving equine animals.
• “Livestock show” means a nonprofit event where more than two species or breeds of livestock animals are gathered for
exhibition or competition.
Warning: Transportation Code, Chapter 502, provides that the owner of any commercial motor vehicle displaying Farm Truck or Farm
Truck Tractor license plates used or permitted to be used for any purpose other than those listed in the Certification section are guilty of
a misdemeanor on conviction, the owner will be fined from $25 to $200, and each use or permission for use of the vehicle constitutes a
separate offense.
Applicants for Farm Truck and Farm Truck Tractor license plates are required to pay an additional $5 assessment for the Young Farmer
Loan Guarantee Program.
Any trailer/semitrailer displaying a Farm Trailer/Semitrailer license plate that is operated and moved on the public highways of this state
in violation of Transportation Code, Chapter 502, will be deemed to be operated or moved unregistered and will immediately be subject
to the regular registration fees and penalties as prescribed by law.
Ownership Evidence: Farm trailers and semitrailers are not exempt from the Certificate of Title Act. Regardless of the evidence of
ownership presented, you should retain the evidence, and it should not be surrendered to the county tax assessor-collector’s office.
Farm trailers and semitrailers with a gross weight 34,000 lbs. or less may be issued a certificate of title at the discretion of the owner. If
an owner of a farm trailer or semitrailer with a gross weight of 34,000 lbs. or less chooses not to apply for title, the evidence of ownership
should be retained by the owner.
CO-OP and Marketing Association’s Evidence. Farm T
railers/Semitrailers owned by a farmers’ co-op incorporated under Chapter 51 or a
marketing association organized under Chapter 52, Agriculture Code, do not require proof of the Ag/Timber Number for registration. Any
one of the following may be presented to the county:
• “Article of Incorporation” or “Certificate of Formation” filed with the secretary of state’s office
• “Certificate of Fact” provided by the secretary of state’s office
• “Business Organizations Inquiry” printout from the secretary of state’s website
• Statement from the entity on letterhead, which includes the filing number issued by the secretary of state’s office
Instructions for County Tax Assessor-Collector
• If the applicant is applying for registration and title, this application must be completed in duplicate. The original copy must be
retained by your office, and a duplicate copy must be attached to the title transaction.
• This application must be submitted before license plates may be issued or transferred to the applicant for the vehicle described
on page 1.
• When evidence is presented by a co-op or marke
ting association it should not be retained by your office.
Form VTR-52-A Rev 10/2017 Form available online at www.TxDMV.gov Page 2 of 2