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General Consent to Treat and Acknowledgement of Teaching Services
I hereby consent to any and all treatment that my Family Health Center (hereinafter “FHC”) clinician
and I agree is necessary for me or for the patient(s) I am guardian for.
I understand and acknowledge that FHC is a teaching center, and my care, and/or the care of
patients(s) I am guardian for, at FHC may be provided by a clinician, including but not limited to
medical students and/or resident physicians and/or resident dentists, in a clinical training program. I
further understand and acknowledge that teaching services such as direct observation by other
physicians or medical students, case discussions, or photographic or video images of care activities
involving myself or my dependents are allowed for teaching purposes unless specifically denied by
I further understand that as part of its health care services, FHC’s personnel and my clinician create
and maintain a record of care and services provided. I understand that such information may be
used and/or disclosed in the management and delivery of care and services provided by FHC, as
described in the Notice of Privacy Practices. I understand and acknowledge that FHC participates in
an electronic health record exchange program, and that if I seek treatment from other healthcare
facilities or providers participating in this exchange program, my health information, or that of the
patient(s) I am guardian for, may be shared between FHC and those other facilities or providers. I
understand and acknowledge that as part of receiving my healthcare at FHC, FHC’s clinicians and
other personnel may electronically request and/or provide health records for me and/or patient(s) I
am guardian for, to those participating facilities or providers. These records include, but are not
limited to prescription medication history, as well as information related to mental health treatment,
alcohol and/or drug abuse diagnosis, prognosis and treatment, and/or HIV (AIDS) testing/results
and/or treatment. I further understand that any such information from any source whatsoever may
become part of the requesting party’s health records on me and/or the patient(s) I am guardian for.
I hereby understand that I have the right to request a copy of the Family Health Center’s Notice of
Privacy Practices.
The Family Health Center proudly offers certain language assistance to its patients free of charge.
We also strive to make reasonable accommodations for its disabled patients.
I consent to the taking of photographic and/or video images for the purpose of identification and
documentation of my medical care.
I hereby understand I am the person primarily responsible for payment of all charges for services
rendered by FHC, regardless of any insurance coverage I might have, including Medicare or
Medicaid, and that such payment is due on demand. I further understand that in addition to such
service charges, I will be liable for any court costs, attorney’s fees, collection expense, or interest that
may be incurred should such actions be required to obtain payment for services rendered by FHC. I
certify that the patient and financial information given at the time of services rendered is accurate and