Please complete this short survey to assist us in providing for a well-rounded educational
experience at BC3 @ Cranberry.
Educational Goals
Other (please specify)
1. Which of the following best describes your educational goals?
Complete a Certificate program through BC3
Earn an Associates Degree from BC3, then seek employment
Earn an Associates Degree from BC3, then transfer to a Baccalaureate program
Take classes at BC3 and then transfer to another institution
Earn a Bachelors degree through a partnership program at BC3
Take classes for personal/professional benefit (But not seeking a degree)
Other (please specify)
2. What is your method of transportation to class?
Use your own vehicle
Borrow a friend's/family's vehicle
Dropped off by family/friend
Share rides with other students
Use the bus service
Utilization of Services
Very Interested Somewhat Interested Not Interested
Expanded Daytime
Course Offerings
Expanded Evening
Course Offerings
Expanded Summer
Course Offerings
Expanded Weekend
Course Offerings
Expanded Online
Course Offerings
Expanded Hybrid
Course Offerings
Expanded Degree
Program Offerings
3. Please rate the following items based on your level of interest.
Very Satisfied
Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied
Have not used
Not Aware
Service Existed
Admissions/ Placement
Academic Advising
Career Counseling
Disability Services
Financial Aid Counseling
Transfer Counseling
4. Please rate your satisfaction with the following services based on your experiences at Cranberry:
5. I have utilized the following activities/workshops at Cranberry: (check all that apply)
Campus Activities/Events
Clubs/ Organizations
Pizza for Finals
Study Skills Workshops
Transfer Fairs
Wii Tournaments
Career Workshops
Financial Aid Workshops
Race Day
Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Dissatisfied Have not used the service
Student Activities
6. Please rate your satisfaction with the following services based on your experiences at Cranberry:
7. What types of student activities or workshops would you like to see offered here at the Cranberry
8. Would you be interested in Intramural sports, if offered by the BC3 Cranberry campus?
9. If you answered yes to question 6, please list what intramurals you would be interested in:
10. If you answered yes to questions 6: Intramurals would be offered off campus but in the Cranberry area,
would you be willing to travel to other locations?
Student Satisfaction
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable
The courses provided at
Cranberry meet my
educational needs.
The activities and events
at Cranberry enhance
my experience at BC3.
The college's main
website (
is easily navigated.
Cranberry's microsite
is easily navigated.
The staff at Cranberry
are helpful.
The faculty at Cranberry
are helpful.
11. Based on the scale below, please answer the following questions:
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable
Building and roadway
signage make the
campus easily located.
The building and
grounds are clean and
The building and
grounds are easily
The campus provides a
safe and secure
The campus classrooms
and labs meet my
educational needs.
The campus study and
activity spaces meet my
educational needs.
12. Based on the scale provided, please answer the following questions based on your experience at
Very Effective Somewhat Effective Not Effective Not Applicable
Newspaper Ads
Radio Ads
Television and Cable
Brochures and
Schedules Mailed to
Testimonial from a
Presentations at High
Schools and
Website (
Other (please specify)
13. Please rate the following marketing tools used by BC3 on their level of effectiveness:
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable
Campus Bulletin Boards
Campus Website
Campus Website
Curriculum Planner
Digital Signage
Facebook Page
Cranberry Newsletter
Student Handbook
14. The following pieces of BC3 literature have provided me with helpful information:
15. Additional Feedback
16. Please enter your student ID number: All results are confidential, and your ID will be used ONLY for
prize drawing purposes.