Fairfield Christian Academy Transcript Request Form
This form is to be used for college/job application needs for present HS students and Alumni.
Transcripts for students in lower grades need to be processed through the superintendent’s
office and require a different form.
Please allow 3 to 5 business days for processing from the time the request is received in the
FCA high school/guidance office. Transcripts will be mailed out, unless otherwise specified,
so please allow for that time.
(Please print clearly)
Today’s Date: ____________________
Mail Immediately: (Please put a check mark) ______
Mail after: (Please put in date) ___________________________________
Student/Alumni Name (include maiden name):
Street Address: (Not required if you are a present senior):
City, State, Zip: (Not required if you are a present senior):
Phone: ( ) __________________ (Not required if you are a present senior):
Dates of Attendance (or year graduated) (Not required if you are a present senior):
Date of Birth: (Not required if you are a present senior): _______________________
Mail ___ (# of copies) to address (Please write in the address neatly):
Mail ___ (# of copies) to address: (Please write in the address neatly):
Fax # (if transcript is to be faxed) _________________________________
Hand Delivery: (Please indicate if you are going to pick up the transcript ____________
Student/Alumni Signature __________________________________________________
Please send all transcript requests to:
Fairfield Christian Academy – Guidance Office Attn: Transcripts
1965 N. Columbus Street, Lancaster, Ohio 43130
Or email: bknechtel@fcaknights.us
Questions may be referred to 740-654-2889 ext 312 or 316
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