Fairfield Christian Academy
Chapter of
The National Honor Society
Recommendation Form
This can come from a former or present adult leader, teacher, coach, pastor or employer.
Only 1 of these recommendations can come from a former or present teacher. Please
give this form to the recommender at least 10 days prior to the deadline.
STUDENT NAME: ________________________________ GRADE: ___________
EVALUATOR ________________________________________________________
COURSE/ACTIVITY __________________________________________________
Please give your candid opinion of the above student’s personal qualities, spiritual
maturity, and leadership skills. Provide specific examples where possible. (Please attach
another page if additional space is needed.)
I recommend this student: (please check one)
___ - strongly recommend
___ - recommend
___ - with reservation
SIGNATURE: __________________________________ DATE: _______________
Please mail to: NHS Advisor, Fairfield Christian Academy, 1965 N. Columbus Street,
Lancaster, Ohio 43130
Or e-mail to: bknechtel@fcaknights.us
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