Student Business Services
Sage Hall
One University Drive Petition for Waiver of Financial Regulations
Camarillo, CA 93012
Phone: (805) 437-8810
Read the instructions on this form. Return the completed petition and supporting documentation (in person or by
mail) to the Student Business Services office in Sage Hall. Faxed or scanned documents are not accepted.
I am requesting a waiver of financial regulations for: TERM ___________ YEAR _____________
Waiver of Late Payment Fee Late refund (specify amount ______________)
Billing correction only Other (specify) ____________________________________
*Please provide all the information required below and print clearly. Do not leave any of the fields blank.
Name ________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________ Student ID _______________________
City ____________________ State _______ Zip _______ Phone (home) ____________________
Email _________________________________________ Phone (cell) ______________________
My signature on the line below acknowledges that I have read and fully understand instructions on the reverse
side of this form. I also affirm, to the best of my knowledge, that the statements provided are true.
Student Signature ________________________________ Date ______________________
Use the space below to fully explain your situation and justification for this petition. If additional space is needed you may use an attachment
and provide pertinent supporting documentation to your claim.
Are you a recipient of Financial Aid? Yes No
FAIR Committee Decision: Approved Denied No Action Required
Comment ___________________________________________________________________________________
Signature ___________________________________________ Date _______________________
FAIR Committee Representative