URECA Faculty Travel Grant
1. Funds are available to faculty when they are mentors for undergraduate students who are presenting
research/creative activity at a conference (the student must be the presenter
2. Evidence of acceptance for presentation should be submitted with the application and must clearly identify
the undergraduate student as the author; if acceptance has not yet been received, any approval of funds will not
be final until such acceptance is received.
3. A
proposed budget itemizing travel, lodging, and other conference costs must be submitted with the
application. Reimbursement for the cost of meals will not be approved.
Submit copies of the original application and acceptance to the conference to Ed Lisic at one of the
following addresses: edlisic@tntech.edu, TTU Box 5055, or Foster Hall 224.
5. Documentation of presentation (e.g., copy of page from program) must be submitted with the travel claim
upon completion of travel before funds will be dispersed.
6. Approval must be obtained prior to travel. Applications should be submitted at least thirty days (sixty for out-
of-country travel) prior to travel for committee review. Approval will not be granted after travel is
7. The maximum URECA Travel Grant for Faculty Mentors is $1000.
Faculty Mentor Signature __________________________________________ Date_______________________
Department Chair Signature____________________________________ Date_______________________
URECA! Travel Grant deadlines are on a continuous basis throughout the year, however, the
travel proposals must be received no later than six weeks before travel is planned.
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