2. Faculty Member’s Profile
a. How the project relates to the applicant’s other research activities and his/her long-term
research agenda
b. A statement regarding the applicant’s ability to conduct the proposed project
c. The applicant’s career stage (i.e., junior or established faculty member, as defined above)
d. An explanation of the benefits associated with released time from teaching, clinical, service,
or administrative responsibilities
e. A listing of current external funding
f. A current curriculum vitae of no more than two pages that emphasizes publications, awards,
and grants, and provides other information that is pertinent to the project (not included in the
eight-page narrative limitation).
3. Departmental Impact (Please see Appendix B for the appropriate form for this section.)
a. The departmental staffing plan while the faculty member is on leave
b. Any University responsibilities that the faculty member will maintain during the leave period
. This program will provide funding for the salary and fringe benefits (if any) of an adjunct
for one semester while the awardee is on leave. A maximum of $2,000 can be requested to support
specific research costs associated with the award
--e.g., travel or equipment. It is expected that the
department will continue to provide support to the faculty member, so requests to support the direct
costs of the project should be limited. Copying, telephone, postage, office supplies, standard
laboratory supplies, software, database searches, and other like expenses are not eligible for funding.
The elements that should be included in the budget request are as follows:
1. Amount of money requested to augment departmental operations
2. Amount of money requested to facilitate the research project
3. Any internal or external funding that will contribute to the project, including department and/or
School/College/Center resources
4. Justifications for funds requested
Application Timeline
1. Faculty must notify their Department Chair or equivalent administrator of their intent to apply by
December 3, 2012.
2. Full proposals must be submitted to the Chair or equivalent administrator by December 14, 2013
at 5:00 p.m.
3. The unit administrator must sign and submit his/her unit’s applications to the Dean by January
18, 2013. See “Submission Limitations” below for more details.
4. Each Dean should assemble his/her approved proposals, providing:
a. rank-ordered recommendations for his/her College/School/Center;
b. budget requests for each proposal;
c. a short description of the process used to evaluate the proposals; and
d. copies of each recommended proposal.
5. Deans must forward the assembled packets to the Office of the Vice President, Academic Affairs
in DuBourg 450 no later than February 15, 2013.