International Education Center
Phone: 732-224-2799 // Fax: 732-224-2980
Faculty-Led Study Abroad Program Proposal Form
Program Title:
Program Site (City and Country):
Proposed Program Dates: (attach proposed itinerary & syllabus)
Course(s) to be offered:
Brief description of course(s) (include course objectives and how the objective(s) will be
accomplished with the inclusion of an overseas component).
Participant pre-requisites (content knowledge and/or language proficiency):
Most of the planning for summer programs will occur during June and July of the
preceding year. You must be available via email, phone or in person to finalize itinerary
and cost.
Your signature below certifies that you have read the program proposal handbook and
that you understand expectations of group leader.
Faculty Signature: ________________________________ Date: _______________
Department Chair Signature: ___________________________ Date: _____________
Dean Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ____________
IEC Recommendation
IEC Signatures: _____________________________________ Date: _________
Faculty-Led Study Abroad Proposal Form
Revised 3/2014
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