Last revision March 2017
Financial reporting period: January to December 2021
Service Provider Complete Name
HST for non-clinical services to the university
The U of O has obtained expert accounting and legal opinions regarding non-clinical services provided to the Faculty
of Medicine. The program requires that any individuals with a self-employed status as per the Canada Revenue Agency
(CRA) RC4110 form, offering professional services to the University must individually invoice the University of Ottawa.
It is the responsibility of each individual to properly charge, collect and remit the HST to the Canada Revenue
☐ I confirm that my total source of all revenues for this specific type of service from worldwide taxable supplies
exceeds $30,000; and I am registered to charge, collect and remit GST/HST. Thus GST/HST shall be
charged and I am eligible to claim (Input Tax Credit) ITCs. I acknowledge full responsibility to charge, collect
and/or remit the GST/HST on taxable supplies of goods and services.
GST/HST Number: ______________________________
☐ I confirm that my total source of all revenues for this specific type of service from worldwide taxable supplies
does not exceed $30,000; and I am voluntary registered to charge, collect and remit GST/HST. Thus
GST/HST may be charged and I am eligible to claim (Input Tax Credit) ITCs. I acknowledge full responsibility
to charge, collect and/or remit the GST/HST on taxable supplies of goods and services.
GST/HST Number: ______________________________
☒ I confirm that my total source of all revenues for this specific type of service from worldwide taxable supplies
does not exceed $30,000 and I am not registered for a GST/HST account with the CRA – Canada
Revenue Agency. Thus GST/HST will not be charged to the client and I cannot claim ITCs. I acknowledge
full responsibility to collect and/or remit the HST to the CRA if requested by the Government of Canada. I am
responsible to verify my status with CRA before filling out this form.