Facilities Administration Council
Space Change Request Form
All Space Changes must be reviewed and recommended for approval
by the Facilities Administration Council.
Request Type(s) :
Move/ Relocation within defined space
Space Changes or Alterations
Increase in Space Allocation
New Space Needs
Primary User of Proposed Space :
Name :
Dept. :
Bldg. :
Email :
Administrative Office Contact :
Name :
Dept. :
Bldg. :
Email :
Phone : Phone :
Description of Project :
Purpose of Project : (Attach any pertinent information including space change checklist, sketches, correspondence, grant proposals, ETC.)
Location/ Rooms Affected:
Rooms are Currently
Assigned To :
Dept./ Lab/ Center
Affected :
Amount of Add'l Space Requested (Total SF) :
If additional space,
is Change Required:
Yes No
Number of People Using Space:
Prior to Change: After Change: