Extension of learner’s permit stage if convicted:
Exemptions from graduated driver licensing law:
Intermediate Permit Stage (Enter Legal Citations):
Commences after applicant younger than 18 years of age successfully completes the learner’s
permit stage, but prior to receipt of any other permit, license, or endorsement:
Applicant must pass behind-the-wheel driving skills assessment:
In effect for at least 6 months:
In effect until driver is at least 17 years of age:
Must be accompanied and supervised between hours of 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. during first 6
months of stage, except when operating a motor vehicle for the purposes of work, school,
religious activities, or emergencies:
No more than 1 nonfamilial passenger younger than 21 allowed:
Prohibition on use of personal wireless communications device:
Extension of intermediate stage if convicted:
Exemptions from graduated driver licensing law: