FY 2020 - 2021
Authorized under Chapter 4 of Title 6 of the South Carolina Code of Laws (“Code”), Accommodation Taxes
are collected by lodging facilities (i.e., hotels, motels, etc.) from individuals who spend one or more nights in
their facilities (also known as the “heads on beds” tax). These tourism-related funds must then be used to
promote tourism and enlarge the economic benefits of the area through advertising, promotion, and providing
those facilities and services that enhance the ability of the county or municipality to attract and provide for
tourists. Collected funds are distributed to the respective counties and municipalities to determine the best
use of these funds that meets the intent of the law. In the City of West Columbia, applications for funds from
the Tourism-related Fund are submitted to the West Columbia Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee
(Committee) for review. Eligible applicants include public and private not-for-profit organizations. The
Committee will then make allocation recommendations to West Columbia City Council for final determination
and approval.
What is the definition of a tourist?
Under Section 6-5-5 (a)(4), “travel” and “tourism” mean the action and activities of people taking trips
outside their home communities for any purpose except daily commuting to and from work. Because
there is no clear definition of “home community” within the Code, the Tourism Expenditure Review Committee
(TERC), the state oversight committee for these funds, has adopted a guideline set by other travel industry
entities that states that a tourist is generally one who travels in excess of 50 miles from home. However,
TERC will review every event on a case by case basis to consider how the project or event increases visitors
to the region and boosts the economy.
What type of project or event qualifies as a tourism-related expenditure?
The Committee looks to distinguish between events or activities designated for and attended primarily by
those in the local community (not qualifying) from events that are designated for and attended primarily by
non-residents who come from outside the local community, which generally means from outside a 50-mile
radius (qualifying). To make a determination regarding the purpose or intent of an activity or event, the
Committee looks to substantiate the promotional activities undertaken to bring non-residents into the area to
attend the funded activity. The promotional effort is a key indicator of the extent to which the purpose
of the funded activity is to attract non-residents.
Certain tourism-related expenditures must be awarded on a “percentage of tourism” basis. Applicants must
be able to substantiate how much of the total expenditure is related to tourism, and must be able to provide
the “percentage of tourism” to the total budget of the project.
Categories of Qualifying Expenditures (as applied to West Columbia):
Under the Code, in order to qualify for a tourism-related expenditure, the expenditure must (1) be used
to attract or provide for tourists, and (2) can not be used for an item that would normally need to be
provided for by the municipality. There are five (5) categories of tourism-related expenditures applicable
for the City of West Columbia:
Advertising & Promotion of Tourism Under Code Section 6-4-10 (4)(b)(1), monies in the Tourism-
related Fund can be used for advertising and the promotion of tourism to increase tourism in the
municipality. Qualifying expenditures would include monies spent on magazine, newspaper, web,
radio or television advertising in an attempt to promote the municipality to tourists. Qualifying
expenditures also include monies spent to promote the municipality to entities that specialize in
tourism, such as bus tour companies and travel agencies.
Arts & Cultural Events Under Code Section 6-4-10 (4)(b)(2), monies in the Tourism-related Fund
can be used for the promotion of the arts and cultural events. Expenditures that can qualify include
monies used for advertising or the promotion of a particular festival or arts/cultural event held in or
near the municipality in an effort to attract tourists who will stay in hotels/motels, etc. within the
Facilities for Civic and Cultural Events Under Code Section 6-4-10 (4)(b)(3), monies in the
Tourism-related Fund can be used for the construction, maintenance and operation of facilities for
cultural and civic activities, including construction and maintenance of access and other nearby
roads and utilities for the facilities. Eligible expenditures can include the costs incurred in building
a civic center, a museum or a coliseum. Funds may also be used for the continued operation of
such facility including repairs, and management fees or salaries of those who work at the facility.
Please note that the facility must enhance the ability of the municipality to attract and
provide for tourists and can not provide a purely local function or benefit.
Tourist Transportation Under Code Section 6-4-10 (4)(b)(6), monies in the Tourism-related Fund
may be used for tourist shuttle transportation. Qualifying expenditures include any monies spent
to provide public transportation to tourist, such as shuttle buses or trolleys. For example, shuttles
to transport persons from the airport to hotels, or from the hotels to tourist attractions, or from
conventions or tourist attractions to other tourist facilities would qualify.
Visitors CentersUnder Code Section 6-4-10 (4)(b)(8), monies in the Tourism-related Fund may
be used for operating visitor centers. Expenditures that will qualify are any monies spent to operate
and maintain centers whose primary purpose is to provide information, brochures, and other
services to tourists.
Who is eligible to apply?
Eligible applicants include public and private non-profit organizations. No grant can be made to a private
for-profit organization to be expended by the organization for its own event. Also, grants will not be made
to non-profit organizations for projects which will primarily benefit one or a very few persons, or an exclusive
group of for-profit organizations.
Can Tourism-related Funds be used to support local art or music programs such as Jazz in the
Schools, which improve the cultural climate of the municipality?
NO. While such art programs are educational and promote culture, they do not enhance the ability of the
municipality to attract and provide for tourists. These types of programs primarily benefit the local population
by exposing them to new experiences; however, tourists rarely participate or experience the benefits of these
Can Tourism-related Funds be used for local transportation for senior citizens’ programs, or
programs related to drug abuse, AIDS awareness or similar programs that would benefit residents?
NO. While such programs do benefit the local community, they do not fit into any of the categories of tourism-
related expenditures and they do not attract or promote tourism within the municipality. However, to the
extent that a particular program is primarily designed to serve tourists, the program could be eligible as a
tourism-related expenditure. For example, senior citizens transportation for elderly tourists may qualify as a
tourism-related expenditure.
Can Tourism-related Funds be used to fund billboards or advertising relating to anniversaries or
other non-tourist related promotions for schools, colleges, universities or municipalities?
As a general rule, NO. However, if the billboard was designed to advertise the area and attract tourists to
the municipality, then the expenditure may qualify. For example, a billboard that reads “Come see West
Columbia and celebrate our 130
Anniversary,and lists events to be held celebrating the anniversary, would
qualify. A billboard recognizing the anniversary of a private high school would not.
Can Tourism-related Funds be used for travel and lodging expenses of local high school bands in
such events as the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade?
NO. These events do not serve to attract tourists to the band’s municipality; rather they only serve to attract
tourists to the locality where such event is being held.
Can Tourism-related Funds be used to fund scholarships offered by a sporting or other type of similar
event, which otherwise qualifies for Tourism-related Funds for promoting its events?
NO. The scholarships do not qualify as a tourism-related expenditure under the Code.
May a municipality use Tourism-related Funds for beautification projects?
It depends on two factors: (1) is the project designed to attract or provide for tourists? and (2) is the
beautification a service that would normally be provided by the municipality? For example, a beautification
project around municipal buildings is a service that is normally provided by the municipality and would not
qualify. However, the creation of a public garden, such as Edisto Gardens in Orangeburg or Brookgreen
Gardens in Horry County, is the creation of a destination tourist facility and would qualify for tourism-related
funds, provided that such location was designed to attract tourists or enhance the ability of the municipality
to attract tourists.
Thank you for your interest in West Columbia’s Accommodations Tax Program. The following policies and
procedures for making an application to the Tourism-related Fund are provided below for your assistance.
Grant Overview & Guidelines are also attached for your information and should be reviewed prior to making
an application.
Funding provided by Accommodations Tax used for promotion and advertising specifically designed to bring
tourists to the City of West Columbia, is made under the provision that the City of West Columbia will be
listed as a co-sponsor on all advertising, including, but not limited to, all print media, radio, television and web
ads. Funds can only be awarded to those projects that will attract people to stay overnight in the City of West
Columbia and to frequent City of West Columbia restaurants.
Grant funds from the Accommodations Tax Program should be considered supplementary to the budget of
any applicant, and unless otherwise approved, must be used within the fiscal year for which the funds were
approved (July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021).
DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTNG APPLICATION: No later than 5 PM, on May 4, 2020
NUMBER OF COPIES: Applicants must email an electronic copy, PDF preferred, to: bjunthank@westcolumbiasc.gov
Also required for submission is one (1) original printed copy, (binder-clips acceptable). All applications must be typed.
Please use the on-line fillable form. Note: No e-mailed copies will be accepted without the hard copy submittal.
ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS: The applicant must be a public or private non-profit organization.
DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS: Awards may be disbursed any time after July 1
of the program year, but the city
reserves the right to require an applicant to submit appropriate documentation [i.e., signed contract(s), detailed
invoice(s), canceled check(s), etc.] before disbursing funds.
FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: If your organization received funding last year, a copy of the final financial statement
must accompany this application.
OTHER ACCOMMODATIONS TAX FUNDING: Organizations must indicate any other accommodations tax funds they
have requested or received from other municipalities or counties for this funding year.
FUNDING APROVAL: Funding in one calendar year does not automatically ensure funding in subsequent years.
Organizations seeking accommodation tax funding must submit an application each year.
The West Columbia Accommodation Tax Committee will hold a public meeting on Thursday, May 21,
2020, at 5:30 PM, in the New Brookland Room, at City Hall (200 N. 12
Street), to review applications, and
if deemed appropriate, to hear presentations from selected applicants.
Accommodations Tax
Application Guidelines
July 1, 2020June 30, 2021
1. The Applicant must be a public or private non-profit organization. Private non-profit organizations (non-
governmental) must attach a copy of the applicant’s 501 (C) certification letter and a copy of a current
Secretary of State charity registration letter. PLEASE FILL IN ALL BLANKS. Incomplete applications may
be deemed unresponsive and be returned to the applicant. Use “N/A” if not applicable.
Name of Project/Event ____________________________________________________________________________
Event Website: __________________________________________________________________________________
Applicant/Organization ____________________________________________________________________________
Federal ID No. _____________________________________ Non-Profit Status: ______________________________
Type of Organization: ___ County ___ Municipal ___ Other Gov’t ____ Non-Profit ___ Comm Serv/Church
roject Manager __________________________________________ Title __________________________________
Primary Telephone #_____________________________ Secondary Telephone # _____________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________
Email __________________________________________________________________________________________
Applicants must submit a budget of planned expenditures with application, and, if approved for funding, an
accounting of how funds were spent at the end of the funding year.
(Definition: Tourism/tourist generally means the action and activities of people taking trips 50 miles outside their home
communities for any purpose, except daily commuting to and from work.) Distribution of funds may be based on the
percentage of visitors who travel 50 or more miles from outside the West Columbia community to attend or visit your
2. Project Category (check one)
____ Advertising and Promotion of Tourism
The promotion of tourism to West Columbia through advertising in print media, radio, television, web ads, and/or
____ Arts & Cultural Events
The promotion of the arts or cultural events to tourists through advertising or promoting a particular festival or
arts/cultural event.
____ Facilities for Civic & Cultural Events
The construction, maintenance and operations of a facility used for cultural and civic activities that will attract tourists
to West Columbia. Eligible expenditures can also include construction and maintenance costs for access and other
nearby roads and utilities for the facility. Facilities for primarily local use are not eligible.
For fiscal year July 1, 2020 June 30, 2021
West Columbia Accommodations Tax Application Page 2
_____ Tourist Transportation
To provide for public transportation, such as shuttle buses or trolleys, to transport tourists to and from hotels and
tourist facilities, attractions and/or events.
____ Visitors Centers
For the operation/maintenance of visitors centers whose primary purpose is to provide information, brochures and
other services to tourists.
3. Project/Event general description with specific reference to what will be accomplished with city funds.
Describe how your project/event will attract and promote tourism or help provide services and facilities that are
needed to attract and provide for tourists, civic and cultural activities. (Attach additional sheet, if necessary)
4. Project Period: Begin __________________ End ____________________
(must be within the funding year July 1, 2020June 30, 2021)
One important factor in allocating these funds is that there should be more hotel/motel activity in West Columbia due to the
funding provided. For events projects, answer question 5 (a) (b) & (c) below. All other projects skip to question #6.
a. which hotels in the City of West Columbia have you contacted to arrange rooms for your overnight visitors? ____
American Inn (1617 Chas. Hwy) ___ American Inn & Suites (McSwain Dr) ___ Holiday Inn & Suites (McSwain Dr)
____ Quality Inn (2516 Augusta Rd) ____ Residence Inn, Mariotte ____ Oyo Hotel (McSwain Dr) Total rooms
booked _____
b. Total number of visitors expected to attend your event _________.
c. W
hat percentage of visitors outside the West Columbia community (50 miles or more) will be attending your event?
6. List the method(s) to be used to track tourist:
___ Web page inquiries estimated inquiries per month _________
___ Brochure mailings estimated brochures mailed per month ______
___ Event ticket sales estimated tickets sold per event _____
___ Event registration estimated registrants per event _____
___ Hotel room sales estimated # of rooms per event/per month _______
___ Phone call inquiries estimated phone calls per month ______
___ Surveys estimated percent of “tourist” responses per survey ______
___ License plates estimated count per event ______
West Columbia Accommodations Tax Application Page 3
7. Do/will you advertise outside a 50-mile radius? _____Yes ____No
a. If yes, please check all that apply to advertising sources outside a 50-mile radius:
___ Rack cards - # distributed _______
___ Brochures - # distributed _______
___ Posters - # distributed _______
___ Magazine Ads - # ads _______ (list ads & distribution range on separate sheet)
___ Newspaper Ads - # ads _______ (list newspapers & distribution on separate sheet)
___ Televisions Ads - # ads _______ (list stations & viewing range on separate sheet)
___ Radio Ads - # ads _______ (list stations & listening range on separate sheet)
___ Billboards - # ads _______ (list number & locations on separate sheet)
___ Websites - # web pages other than primary website: _______ (list on separate
sheet the target audience)
___ Other (list on separate sheet along with target audience
b. If no, is there any other group/agency who will be responsible for advertising? If so,
who? _____________________________________________
8. Estimated Cost of Project $_____________________
9. Total Accommodations Tax Funds Requested from West Columbia for FY 2020-2021: $_______,
which represents _________% of the total project/event budget. Please include this amount when
listing proposed sources of income on budget page. (Unless otherwise approved, funds must be
spent within the funding year: July 1, 2020June 30, 2021)
10. Has your project/event or organization previously received Accommodations Tax Funds from any
source in the last 3 years? ___ Yes ___No
a. If yes,
FY 2019-2020: $___________; source: __________________; purpose: __________________
FY 2018-2019: $___________; source: __________________; purpose: __________________
FY 2017-2018: $___________; source: __________________; purpose: __________________
b. For each award year, did you expend 100% of the Accommodations Tax Funds you were awarded?
___Yes ___No
c. If no, please explain and give amount not used:
City of West Columbia
Accommodations Tax Application Revenues Page 4
Organization /Event ________________________________________________________________________
Provide the best description possible for the type and source of revenue(s) (example: A-Tax grant /Lexington
CountyCommitted - $10,000). Identify all contributing sponsors by name, agency, etc.
Please include the amount being requested from West Columbia A-Tax in your budget.
Type of Revenue /Source
Committed or
Amount for
FY 2020-2021
*NOTE: This amount should equal the amount of expenses on following page.
City of West Columbia
Accommodations Tax Application ExpendituresPage 5
Organization/Event: _________________________________________________________________________
List all expenses associated with this event.
Type of Expenditure
Amount for
*NOTE: This amount should equal the amount of revenues on previous page.
West Columbia Accommodations Tax Application Page 6
I certify that the above information, along with any attachments, represents a true and accurate description
of the project/event for which we are applying for funds through the West Columbia Accommodations Tax
I also certify that I have read and understand the West Columbia Accommodations Tax Overview and
_____________________________________ ______________________________
Signature of Project Manager/Director Date
Order of Application Package:
1. Cover letter to include brief history of organization.
2. Copy of IRS 501 (C) certification letter (for private non-profit organizations)
3. Copy of a current South Carolina Secretary of State Charity registration letter (for private non-
profit organizations)
4. Completed West Columbia Accommodations Tax Application (including revenues/expenses)
5. Additional Information to questions (placed in order of questions)
Applicants must email an electronic copy, PDF preferred, to: bjunthank@westcolumbiasc.gov. Also required for
submission is one (1) original printed copy, (unbound, binder-clips acceptable). All applications must be typed.
Please use the online fillable form. Note: No emailed copies will be accepted without the hard copy submittal.
City of West Columbia
ATTN: BJ Unthank
City Hall
200 N. 12
West Columbia, SC 29169
DEADLINE IS 5:00 PM Monday, May 4, 2020
**All applications must be typed**
***No emailed copies will be accepted without the one (1) hard copy submittal***
Note: Please call BJ Unthank, at (803) 939-8614, if you have any questions regarding the application,
project eligibility or the grant process prior to submission of your application.