2021 Course Eligibility Exception 4/14/20
5101 Evergreen, Dearborn, MI 48128
Fax (313) 845-9825
School Code: 00227000
2020-2021 Financial Aid Course Eligibility Exception Request
Student Name: Student ID:
Program of study: ______________________
Class for which exception is being requested: ___________________________________________________________
Semester Class Will be Taken (check one): Fall 2020 Winter 2021 Spring/Summer 2021
U.S. Department of Education regulations require that a student must be enrolled in an eligible program of study to
receive financial aid. In addition, only classes required for the student’s program of study are eligible for financial aid
funding. Classes not required for your program of study will not be eligible for any financial aid funding.
There are some instances when a class is required but is not listed in your program of study. In those cases, the student
must submit this form to indicate why an exception is necessary by filling out the information below. Exception requests
will be reviewed by the Office of Financial Aid. After the review is complete, an email will be sent to the student’s
Hawkmail regarding the outcome of the review.
Before completing this form, please be aware of the following:
Classes numbered below 100 (MATH-080, ENG-088, ENG-094, etc…) do not need an exception. These classes
are considered “developmental” and are otherwise eligible for financial aid.
Classes which are part of a Transfer Guide, Articulation Agreement or 3+1 Agreement are not eligible for an
Please check the appropriate box below:
Class is a pre-requisite for a course required as part of my program of study.
Example: MATH-183 is required as part of my program of study and MATH-180 is a pre-requisite to MATH-183.
Class on program of study that requires this as a pre-requisite:
Class is required but was previously taken and is being repeated.
A student may choose to repeat a class for which they have previously earned credit. Financial aid may only be used
once to pay for repeated courses in which a student has previously earned credit.
ass is an approved substitution for a course required as part of my program of study.
If you are being granted a course substitution, the issuing department must submit the appropriate documentation to
Records & Registration. Once the change has been formally made on your record, the Office of Financial Aid will be
notified. The credits for the course will not reflect on your record until our office has been notified the substitution
has been made to your record. The submission of this form to our office is merely an alert to our office you are
pursuing a course substitution.
Class on program of study for which a substitution is being made:
Class is part of the Honor’s Program (list course)
Student Signature: Date:
click to sign
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