Owner Name: Phone:
Business Name: Phone:
Current Occupancy Class:
Occupancy Class Changing To:
Sq. Footage: Stories in Height:
Describe Use of Space:
Does the building have a Fire Alarm System?.......................... Y N Monitored by Alarm Company?...Y N
Does the building have an Automatic Fire Sprinkler System?...Y N Monitored by Alarm Company?...Y N
Does the building have a Hood Suppression System?..............Y N Monitored by Alarm Company?...Y N
Note: All Life Safety equipment and devices installed must have current inspection tags by a licensed Fire Alarm/ Fire
Suppression/ Fire Extinguisher contractor. Exit signs and Emergency lights must have working back up battery when
testing. Fire Extinguishers should be mounted on hanging bracket and not sitting on floor or shelf and be clearly visible
and easily accessible to building occupants.
Fire Safety Inspection Fees for Commercial Buildings and Structures and Change of Occupancy:
1st 3,000 sq. ft ................................................................................................................................
Over 3,000 sq. ft. & up to 10,000 sq. ft............................................................................................
Over 10,000 sq. ft. & up to 50,000 sq. ft..........................................................................................
Over 50,000 sq. ft............................................................................................................................
Each additional 1,000 sq. ft. over 50,000 sq. ft or fraction thereof..................................................
Buildings with Fire Alarm System, add per system.........................................................................
Buildings with Fire Suppression System, add per riser...................................................................
*Change of Occupancy may require additional Life Safety features to meet current code requirements outlined in the
Florida Fire Prevention Code and the Florida Building Code.
I understand all REQUIRED INSPECTIONS will be requested of the work permitted herein. Compliance will be strictly enforced. This
permit is VOID after six (6) months from issuance unless the work it covers has been commenced and has had ongoing inspections.
The Building/Fire Official may revoke this permit or remove service, in such case as there has been any false statement or misrepre-
sentation as to the material fact in the application or plans, upon which this permit was based.
Signature of Business/Property Owner Date