Applicant must provide the following information to be considered for a System
Connection Charge Waiver:
□ Proof of purchase (of septic system or upgrade) with description, date and amount
□ Proof of DNREC permit
□ A copy of the property owner’s most recent tax return
Applicant must meet the following criteria:
□ Is current on all debts to Sussex County
□ Has no County Code violations
□ Installed or upgraded septic system within 5 years of the final required Sussex
County Sewer connection date
□ Liquid assets (cash, stocks, bonds, CDs, savings, etc.) and Real Estate, other than
owner-occupied home, must be less than $15,000
The property owner(s) further understands the following conditions:
• A lien will be placed on the above-referenced property
• The System Connection Charge will be due at the end of the five (5) year waiver or
when the property is sold or transferred (whichever occurs first)
• The front footage assessment charge will be granted up to five years based on the
following schedule:
Installed/upgraded Septic
4 to 5 years prior to connection date
1 year of no front footage charge
3 to 4 years prior to connection date
2 years of no front footage charge
2 to 3 years prior to connection date
3 years of no front footage charge
1 to 2 years prior to connection date
4 years of no front footage charge
Less than 1 year prior to connection date
5 years of no front footage charge
Based on the conditions above, the referenced property will be granted a System Connection
Charge Waiver for the following amount: _______________________________________
and a _______ year grant of no front footage charge.