● You have a medical inability to serve as a juror.
If you suffer from a medical condition that is unlikely to change within a year, and this condition prevents
you from serving jury duty, you must submit a doctor’s note from a licensed physician, stating that you are
unable to serve as a juror now or for the next twelve (12) months. Requests written by jurors to be excused
for medical conditions without verification from a licensed physician will be denied.
You believe that you will suffer severe financial hardship.
In order to be excused for financial reasons, you must show that serving as a juror will cause a severe
financial hardship that will compromise your ability to support yourself and/or your dependents. To request
to be excused on the basis of severe financial hardship, you must complete and submit to the Jury
Management Office a certification (sworn statement) listing the sources of your household income; the
availability and extent of income reimbursement (meaning whether you will be paid during jury service); and
the impact of the length of service. The certification is posted here.
Submission of the certification is the
first step, and the court may request additional information and/or documentation. Jurors who report for
service may speak with the trial judge regarding any financial hardships based on the anticipated length of
the trial. You care for a minor child, or a sick, aged, or infirm dependent, and have no alternative care
available without suffering severe financial hardship.
● You care for a minor child, or a sick, aged, or infirm dependent, and have no alternative care
available without suffering severe financial hardship.
When requesting to be excused for any of these circumstances, keep in mind that the Jury Management
Office will grant you time to arrange for alternative care. Please be aware that the Judiciary will reschedule
juror service for mothers who are breastfeeding, or, if the juror elects to serve during that time, will provide
a suitable private location for their use during the day. In order to be excused from jury service due to any of
these circumstances, you must submit the proper documentation that indicates your role in the individual’s
daily care.
• If you are requesting an excuse based upon a personal obligation to care for a sick, aged, or infirm
dependent, you must submit a doctor’s note from a licensed physician, stating that you are the sole
caregiver and your continued presence is essential to the regular and personal treatment of that person.
• If you are requesting an excuse based upon a personal obligation to care for a minor child or children,
you must submit to the Jury Management Office a certification stating that you are personally obligated
to care for the minor child(ren) and acknowledging that the court may require further information and/or
financial documentation in support of the request. A certification form is available as an attachment to
these FAQs and is also posted here.
● You provide highly specialized technical health care services for which replacement cannot
reasonably be obtained.
In order to be excused under this ground, you must provide proof of licensing as a health care provider and
a letter from your employer verifying that no coverage can be reasonably obtained. Please note: physicians
are not automatically excused from jury service under this ground.
● You are a health care worker directly involved in the care of a person with a mental or physical
disability, and your continued presence is essential to the regular and personal treatment of that
To be excused for this reason, you must provide a letter from your employer verifying that your continued
presence is essential to the regular and personal treatment of the person.
● You are full-time teacher of a grammar/high school during the school year for which a replacement
cannot be reasonably obtained.
Full-time teachers are not excused from jury duty on that basis alone. However, an excuse may be
requested by submitting a letter from the school superintendent confirming that you are on the full-time
instructional staff and indicating: that an excuse is needed due to the volume of teachers being called at that
particular time, or that you are a special education teacher for students with disabilities and it is essential or
you to be in attendance for your class. If you receive a summons directing you to report when you must
teach class and a replacement cannot be obtained, please request a postponement by indicating on the
qualification form a date when you can serve. The Jury Management Office will make every effort to
accommodate your specific request.