Navigation Madeleine inc. (NIR : R-022178-9)
signifie la personne désignée comme une telle dans ce connaissement et comprend toute personne pour le compte de laquelle les
autres marchandises périssables sans quoi le voiturier a le droit de les décharger ou de prier les autorités du port de les accepter ou de les
and the delivery made in compliance with these orders or directives shall constitute performance of the shipping and freight contract stipulated
damages and salvage fees incurred to determine the weight or any other accurate information where the shipper has not provided these
ship and any ship in which the goods have been loaded or transshipped is free to proceed to and remain in any port or place within the
save the common carrier harmless from any liability in respect of the other ship or its owners provided this liability represents a loss or damage
no employee or agent of the common carrier (including any independent contractor in the casual employment of the common carrier) shall be
the common carrier shall act or be deemed to act as agent or broker on behalf and for the benefit of all persons who are or might be employees