Additional Residential-Rental Property Information: A residential use property that is leased or rented to a
“qualied family member” for use as their primary residence must be registered with the County Assessor as being a
residential-rental property pursuant to A.R.S. § 33-1902. However, that residence will be classied as Legal Class 3.
Qualied Family Member: A qualied family member includes only: (1) a natural or adopted child or descendant
of the owner’s child; (2) a stepchild of the owner; (3) the owner’s parent or an ancestor of the owner’s parent; (4)
a stepparent of the owner; (5) a child-in-law or parent-in-law of the owner or; (6) a natural or adopted sibling of the
33-1901. Denitions
In this article, unless the context otherwise requires:
1. “Managing Agent” means a person, corporation, partnership or limited liability company that is authorized by the
owner to operate and manage the property.
2. “Residential rental property” means property that is used solely as leased or rented property for residential
purposes. If the property is a space rental mobile home park or a recreational vehicle park, “Residential Rental
Property” includes the rental space that is leased or rented by the owner of that rental space but does not include
the mobile home or recreational vehicle that serves as the actual dwelling if the dwelling if the dwelling is owned and
occupied by the tenant of the rental space and not by the owner of the rental space.
3. “Slum property” means residential rental property that has deteriorated or is in a state of disrepair and that
manifests one or more of the following conditions that are a danger to the health or safety of the public:
(a) Structurally unsound exterior surfaces, roof, walls, doors, oors, stairwells, porches or railings.
(b) Lack of potable water, adequate sanitation facilities, adequate water or waste pipe connections.
(c) Hazardous electrical systems or gas connections.
(d) Lack of safe, rapid egress.
(e) Accumulation of human or animal waste, medical or biological waste, gaseous or combustible materials,
dangerous or corrosive liquids, ammable or explosive materials or drug paraphernalia.
33-1902. Residential rental property; recording with the assessor; agent designation; civil penalty; fee
A. An owner of residential rental property shall maintain with the assessor in the county where the property is
located information required by this section in a manner to be determined by the assessor. The owner shall update
any information required by this section within ten days after a change in the information occurs. The following
information shall be maintained:
1. The name, address and telephone number of the property owner.
2. If the property is owned by a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, limited partnership, trust or real
estate investment trust, the name, address and telephone number of any of the following:
(a) For a corporation, a corporate ofcer.
(b) For a partnership, a general partner.
(c) For a limited liability company, the managing or administrative member.
(d) For a limited partnership, a general partner.
(e) For a trust, a trustee.
(f) For a real estate investment trust, a general partner or an ofcer.
3. The street address and parcel number of the property.
4. The year the building was built.
B. An owner of residential rental property who lives outside this state shall designate and record with the assessor
a statutory agent who lives in this state and who will accept legal service on behalf of the owner. The owner shall
designate the agent in a manner to be determined by the assessor. The information shall include the name, address
and telephone number of the agent.