e eff ective date of organization of the corporation is the date and time the articles were received for fi ling if the articles are not
rejected within the time prescribed by law. If a later eff ective date is desired, specify such date, which may not be later than the
90th day after the articles are received for fi ling:
e information contained in this article is not a permanent part of the articles of organization.
a. e street address of the initial registered offi ce of the corporation in the commonwealth:
b. e name of its initial registered agent at its registered offi ce:
c. e names and addresses of the individuals who will serve as the initial directors, shareholders, president, treasurer and
secretary of the corporation (an address need not be specifi ed if the business address of the offi cer or director is the same
as the principal offi ce location):
Shareholder(s) (must provide residential address):
d. e fi scal year end of the corporation:
e. A brief description of the type of business in which the corporation intends to engage:
f. e street address of the principal offi ce of the corporation:
g. e street address where the records of the corporation required to be kept in the commonwealth are located is:
(number, street, city or town, state, zip code)
an offi ce of its secretary/assistant secretary;
an offi ce of its transfer agent;
Please insert the required certifi cate(s) from the appropriate regulatory board(s).
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