Dispute Application Form – Strata Owner or Tenant
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www.civilresolutionbc.ca | 1-844-322-2292 (toll-free)
Form version 2.1 (July 30, 2019)
Section 5: Declarations and Signature
Information and Access Policy
The Civil Resolution Tribunal (CRT) collects a wide variety of information from parties in disputes brought
to the Tribunal. Most of this information is shared with the parties and their representatives during the dispute
resolution process. In some cases, members of the public may also be able to access CRT dispute records.
The CRT only asks for information that is needed to resolve a dispute. The CRT will collect the
following types of information, and share it with the parties:
Contact information for the parties and their representatives, including names, addresses,
telephone numbers, fax numbers, and email addresses;
Each party’s description of the dispute and position on its resolution;
Communications between the parties and the CRT;
Information and evidence provided by parties, which may include information about damages
and injuries, health and financial records, and other information of a personal nature;
Information about witnesses, including their contact information and evidence they might be called upon
to provide.
The CRT might also collect information from a party about special circumstances they might have. These
circumstances might include language or capacity issues, or the ability to pay CRT fees. This information will
not normally be shared with other parties, unless the circumstances require the CRT to do so.
Generally, discussions between the parties aimed at resolving a dispute through negotiation will be
confidential. This means the CRT will not disclose these negotiations unless the parties agree to the
disclosure or the law requires it.
If the parties settle a dispute by negotiation and agreement, the public will be able to request copies of any
CRT order documenting the settlement.
If a dispute is not resolved by agreement, it will move into the Tribunal Decision Process. The CRT will decide
the claims and make any necessary orders to give effect to the decision. Members of the public may access
the names of parties in a CRT Tribunal Decision Process, as well as a general description of the dispute and
its status. Members of the public may also request copies of submissions and evidence provided during the
Tribunal Decision Process.
The Civil Resolution Tribunal Act requires that final decisions and orders must be posted to the CRT’s website
and available to the public. Normally, a member of the public will have to submit a request to search for dispute
records that are not publicly available through the CRT or another public website.
If a party or witness is concerned that information in a final decision or order would be harmful to their
privacy or security, they may request that this information be redacted or anonymized.
All information that the CRT receives from parties and witnesses is stored in Canada.
The CRT’s complete policy on collecting and disclosing information gathered during the dispute resolution
process can be found online at https://civilresolutionbc.ca/resources/information-access-privacy-policy