REASONS FOR LOSS - Poisonous plants,
predation, weather, disease, theft, unknown.
Remarks (Include other information such as range conditions and/or improvement notes, or unauthorized use by strays, etc.):
The Privacy Act and 43 CFR 2.48(d) require that you be furnished with the following information in connection with information
requested by this form.
AUTHORITY: 43 U.S.C. 315, 316, 1701, 1901, 1181d, and 43 CFR 4100.
PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: Information will be used to document the actual amount of livestock grazing use on the public lands to calculate
your billing, and to help evaluate the effectiveness of management actions in meeting resource management objectives.
ROUTINE USES: In accordance with the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) System of Records Notice published in the Federal
Register on December 29, 2010 [Bureau of Land Management’s Range Management System—Interior, LLM–2; Notice To Amend an
Existing System of Records; Privacy Act of 1974; as Amended], names and addresses provided by the applicant on this form will be
publically available in reports on the BLM public website.
EFFECT OF NOT PROVIDING INFORMATION: Disclosure of the information is required to obtain or retain a benet. Failure to
submit all of the requested information or to complete this form may result in delayed payment due the Government or insufcient data
needed to manage the program.
The Paperwork Reduction Act requires us to inform you that: BLM collects this information to document the purpose, need, and other
information for grazing use on the public lands. Response to this request is required to obtain or retain a benet. You do not have to respond
to this or any other Federal agency-sponsored information collection unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
BURDEN HOURS STATEMENT: Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the
time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining data, and completing and reviewing the form. Direct comments regarding the
burden estimate or any other aspect of this form to: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (1004-0041), Bureau
Information Collection Clearance Ofcer (WO-630), 1849 C Street, N.W., Room 2134LM, Washington, D.C. 20240.
(Form 4130-5, page 2)