Form A6 – Application to register change of objects or constitution
Application to register change of objects or constitution
Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (section 10)
1800 502 042 fairtrading.nsw.gov.au
Please read this information before completing this form.
This form can be completed in Adobe Reader and saved for your records.
When should this form be lodged?
This form must be lodged when an association changes its objects
or constitution.
The form must be lodged within 28 days after the special resolution
approving the change of objects or constitution being passed.
Changing the objects or constitution of
an incorporated association
A change of constitution or objects is passed by special resolution
by members, not at a management committee meeting, and
takes effect when it is registered by NSW Fair Trading.
Information on the matters that must be addressed in the
constitution, and the procedure to adopt a new constitution or to
change the constitution or objects, is available on the Fair Trading
website at www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au.
When changing the constitution it is important to ensure the
amended constitution complies with the requirements of the Act
and the amendments do not create any inconsistencies within the
Special resolution (part 2)
The wording of the special resolution (motion) approved by
the members of the association must be set out here. If there is
insufcient room a copy of the special resolution must be attached
to this form.
While not required by the Act, it is recommended the
association consider passing a special resolution to adopt a
complete constitution consolidating any changes.
Declaration (part 3)
The declaration must be completed by a person authorised by the
How to lodge
• By email to registrylodgements@customerservice.nsw.gov.au
ensuring a copy of the receipt of payment is attached.
• By post to Registry and Accreditation, PO Box 22, Bathurst
NSW 2795, ensuring a copy of the receipt of payment is
• In person at any Service NSW Centre. For the address
of your nearest Service NSW Centre please telephone
13 77 88 or visit www.service.nsw.gov.au/service-centre
How to pay the lodgement fee
Pay by credit card or PayPal using the following link:
Step 1
- Click on the link or type the URL into your web browser.
Step 2 - Follow the instructions online to complete payment.
(select `Registry and Accreditation’ as the agency)
Step 3
- You will receive a receipt upon payment.
Step 4 - Attach a copy of the receipt to the form.
Not providing this information may result in delays in processing
your form.
Alternatively, if you intend to pay by cheque or money order this
can be done in person at any Service NSW Centre. Cheques or
money orders should be made payable to NSW Fair Trading.
What to lodge
• The completed form A6,
• The prescribed fee,
• The wording of the special resolution (motion) approved by the
members of the association,
• A copy of the complete constitution if the motion was to;
– adopt a complete constitution, OR
– adopt an amended version of the Fair Trading model
constitution, OR
• A copy of any altered, added or deleted clauses as
specied by the motion including clause numbers.
If the association is adopting the Fair Trading model constitution
without changes, do not attach a copy.
Do not attach minutes of meetings.
What happens when you lodge your form?
• The application will be reviewed. You will be notied in writing if
further information is required.
• This form may be returned if:
– it is not completed correctly,
– it does not have the necessary attachments, or
– it is received without payment.
• If your application is approved, the application will be
registered and you will receive written conrmation.
• If your application is refused, you will receive written
notication of the reasons.
• If any change occurs in the information you have provided in your
application, you must notify NSW Fair Trading as soon as possible.
What if my application is refused?
• If you are dissatised with the decision made on your
application, in the rst instance, you may request in writing for
Fair Trading to internally review the decision.
• If you are dissatised with the outcome of the internal review
you may apply to the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal for
an administrative review of the decision.
Contacting Registry and Accreditation
Telephone 1800 502 042
Mail Registry and Accreditation
PO Box 22, Bathurst NSW 2795
Website www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au/
Telephone - 13 14 50 Ask for an interpreter in your language.
TTY - 133 677 Telephone service for the hearing impaired.
The above information is intended as a guide only and is included to assist you in completing and lodging this form. This page
is not part of the form. If required, professional advice should be obtained regarding the matters dealt with in this form.