Form A12 – T2 – Annual summary of nancial affairs - Tier 2
FORM A12 - T2
Annual summary of nancial affairs – Tier 2
Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (section 49)
1800 502 042 fairtrading.nsw.gov.au
Please read this information before completing this form.
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Tier 2 associations
The Associations Incorporation Act 2009 establishes a two
tier reporting regime for associations registered in NSW.
An association is a Tier 2 association if:
• the gross receipts/total revenue (income/money
collected) of the association for the association’s
nancial year is less than $250,000, AND
• the current assets (cash/bank accounts/shares) of the
association for the association’s nancial year is less
than $500,000.
The fact sheet titled `Financial reporting requirements’ on
www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au provides information on the
reporting requirements for Tier 1 and Tier 2 associations.
When should this form be used?
The association’s nancial statements must be presented
to the annual general meeting (AGM) BEFORE this form
can be lodged.
This form must be lodged by the association within one
month after each AGM.
Association details (part 1)
Name - please ensure the correct name and incorporation
number of the association is included in this section.
Principal activity - Tick one box that best describes the
main activity of the association.
Current public ofcer and ofcial address
(part 2)
Insert details of the public ofcer and ofcial address as at
the date of completing this form.
Form A9, Notice of appointment of public ofcer & Notice
of change of association address, must be lodged with this
form if the public ofcer or ofcial address has changed
since your last lodgement.
The ofcial address must be a physical address in NSW
where the public ofcer can generally be found. It must be
premises at which documents can be received by post.
The ofcial address cannot be a post ofce box.
Date of nancial year end (part 3)
The nancial year is an annual period that ends on a
specied date. This date should be set in the association’s
constitution. The association’s nancial statements are
based on its nancial year.
Date of annual general meeting (part 4)
The AGM must be held after the end of the Association’s
nancial year. The form will be returned if the date of the
AGM is earlier than the nancial year end date.
Financial summary (part 5)
Part 5 conrms the association’s Tier 2 reporting. Tick Yes
or No against each question from a. to d.
Members (part 6)
An association must have 5 or more members AND 3 or
more committee members to remain incorporated. Tick
Yes or No for both questions
a. and b.
Declaration (part 7)
The declaration on the reverse of the form MUST be
completed by a person authorised by the committee.
This form may be returned if:
• it is not completed correctly, or
• it is received without payment.
The following fees apply for the lodgement of an Annual
summary of nancial affairs - Tier 2
(Form A12 - T2):
• $48.00 (If lodged not more than one month after the
annual general meeting)
• $77.00 (If lodged more than one month but less than
two months after the annual general meeting)
• $85.00 (If lodged more than two months after the
annual general meeting)
How to lodge
• By email to
ensuring a copy of the receipt of payment is attached.
• By post to Registry and Accreditation, PO Box 22,
Bathurst NSW 2795, ensuring a copy of the receipt of
payment is included.
• In person at any Service NSW Centre. For the address
of your nearest Service NSW Centre please telephone
13 77 88 or visit www.service.nsw.gov.au/service-centre