hearing. You must notify the other party of the hearing by using a Notice of Hearing (General), Florida
Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.923, or other appropriate notice of hearing form.
UNCONTESTED... If the respondent files an answer that agrees with everything in your supplemental
petition or an answer and waiver, and you have complied with mandatory disclosure and filed all of the
required papers, you may call the clerk, family law intake staff, or judicial assistant to set a final hearing.
You must notify the other party of the hearing by using a Notice of Hearing (General), Florida Supreme
Court Approved Family Law Form 12.923, or other appropriate notice of hearing form.
CONTESTED... If the respondent files an answer or an answer and counterpetition, which disagrees
with or denies anything in your supplemental petition, and you are unable to settle the disputed issues,
you should file a Notice for Trial, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.924, after you
have complied with mandatory disclosure and filed all of the required papers. Some circuits may require
the completion of mediation before a final hearing may be set. Then you should contact the clerk, family
law intake staff, or judicial assistant for instructions on how to set your case for trial (final hearing). If
the respondent files an answer and counterpetition, you should answer the counterpetition within 20
days using an Answer to Counterpetition, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.903(d).
Where can I look for more information?
Before proceeding, you should read General Information for Self-Represented Litigants found at the
beginning of these forms. The words that are in bold underline in these instructions are defined there.
For further information, see chapter 61, Florida Statutes.
After the initial service of process of the petition or supplemental petition by the Sheriff or certified
process server, the Florida Rules of Judicial Administration now require that all documents required or
permitted to be served on the other party must be served by electronic mail (e-mail) except in certain
circumstances. You must strictly comply with the format requirements set forth in the Rules of Judicial
Administration. If you elect to participate in electronic service, which means serving or receiving pleadings
by electronic mail (e-mail), or through the Florida Courts E-Filing Portal, you must review Florida Rule of
Judicial Administration 2.516. You may find this rule at www.flcourts.org through the link to the Rules of
Judicial Administration provided under either Family Law Forms: Getting Started, or Rules of Court in the
A-Z Topical Index.
REQUIRED TO DO SO. If a self-represented litigant elects to serve and receive documents by e-mail, the
procedures must always be followed once the initial election is made.
To serve and receive documents by e-mail, you must designate your e-mail addresses by using the
Designation of Current Mailing and E-mail Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form
12.915, and you must provide your e-mail address on each form on which your signature appears. Please
CAREFULLY read the rules and instructions for: Certificate of Service (General), Florida Supreme Court
Approved Family Law Form 12.914; Designation of Current Mailing and E-mail Address, Florida Supreme
Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915; and Florida Rule of Judicial Administration 2.516.
Instructions for Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.905(c), Supplemental Petition for
Modification of Alimony (11/15)