Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure Form 12.902(c), Family Law Financial Affidavit (Long Form) (11/20)
c. _____ Retired. Date of retirement: _______________________________________________
Employer from whom retired: ___________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip code: _______________________________ Telephone Number: __________
LAST YEAR’S GROSS INCOME: Your Income Other Party’s Income (if known)
YEAR _____ $ _______ $ _______
All amounts must be MONTHLY. See the instructions with this form to figure out money amounts for
anything that is NOT paid monthly. Attach more paper, if needed. Items included under “other” should
be listed separately with separate dollar amounts.
1. $______ Monthly gross salary or wages
2. _______ Monthly bonuses, commissions, allowances, overtime, tips, and similar payments
3. _______ Monthly business income from sources such as self-employment, partnerships, close
corporations, and/or independent contracts (Gross receipts minus ordinary and necessary
expenses required to produce income.)(Attach sheet itemizing such income and expenses.)
4. _______ Monthly disability benefits/SSI
5. _______ Monthly Workers’ Compensation
6. _______ Monthly Unemployment Compensation
7. _______ Monthly pension, retirement, or annuity payments
8. _______ Monthly Social Security benefits
9. _______ Monthly alimony actually received (Add 9a and 9b)
9a. From this case: $________
9b. From other case(s): $________
10. _______ Monthly interest and dividends
11. _______ Monthly rental income (gross receipts minus ordinary and necessary expenses required to
produce income) (Attach sheet itemizing such income and expense items.)
12. _______ Monthly income from royalties, trusts, or estates
13. _______ Monthly reimbursed expenses and in-kind payments to the extent that they reduce
personal living expenses (Attach sheet itemizing each item and amount.)
14. _______ Monthly gains derived from dealing in property (not including nonrecurring gains)
_______ Any other income of a recurring nature (identify source):
15. _______________________________________________________________________________
16. _______________________________________________________________________________
17. $_________ TOTAL PRESENT MONTHLY GROSS INCOME (Add lines 1 through 16.)
All amounts must be MONTHLY. See the instructions with this form to figure out money amounts for
anything that is NOT paid monthly.
18. $_______ Monthly federal, state, and local income tax (corrected for filing status and allowable
dependents and income tax liabilities)
a. Filing Status
b. Number of dependents claimed
19. _______ Monthly FICA or self-employment taxes
20. _______ Monthly Medicare payments
21. _______ Monthly mandatory union dues