SFAA-8_V20 (2021:01)
Student Financial Aid and Awards
3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby, BC, Canada V5G 3H2
E sawards@bcit.ca T 604.432.8555 W bcit.ca/finaid
APPRENTICE STUDENTS: Please check website (bcit.ca/apprenticeship) for available financial assistance.
A bursary is a non-repayable award
granted to a full-time student who:
> Is progressing satisfactorily in their
BCIT credential program
> Submits a completed Full-time
Bursary Application form
> Demonstrates that they need
financial assistance to complete
their current academic period
As funds are limited, bursaries are
awarded to those students who
demonstrate that they have exhausted
all other sources of financial
Some bursaries are restricted to
specific applicants (i.e. hometown,
geographic region, union aliation,
gender, etc.). On the last page of this
application, identify any Specified
Bursaries you are eligible for and wish
to apply for.
The Student Financial Aid and Awards
oce is closed on weekends and
holidays. When a deadline falls on
a day the oce is closed, then the
deadline is automatically extended to
the next working day.
Students that withdraw, reduce
their course load, or no longer meet
the bursary eligibility criteria may
have to forfeit all or part of their
award. This decision will be made by
Student Financial Aid and Awards.
A cancelled award will be charged
against the student’s BCIT account.
The status of your bursary application
will be viewable on my.bcit.ca when
results are available.
The student:
1. Must be a citizen or permanent resident of Canada.
2. Must be enrolled in a BCIT credential program that is eligible for StudentAidBC
(credential programs lead to a certificate, diploma or degree).
3. Must be enrolled as a full-time student at BCIT during the bursary academic period.
4. Must successfully complete a level/term of full-time study in their program (or four months
of full-time study for those programs not term or level based) at BCIT in the last twelve
months, with no Fail, Unsatisfactory or Incomplete grades during the most recent term/
four months of study.
5. Technology students must have an overall GPA of at least 60% in prior full-time studies at
6. Must have applied and have been assessed for financial need by StudentAidBC (or the
government student loan program from their home province if they are not a BC resident).
7. Must document financial need by completing a bursary application form.
8. Can receive BCIT full-time Student Bursaries one time only each calendar year (January
01 to December 31) or one time per program if program is 12 months or less.
9. For the Fall October 30 deadline and the Spring June 30 deadline, your Technology or
Trades program and level/term or intake start date must be on the posted list of bursary-
eligible programs for that deadline.
10. Applications must be received by the Student Financial Aid & Awards oce by 4pm on
the deadline dates:
If your full-time BCIT program is not listed within the designated programs, levels/terms,
and intake start dates and you are experiencing financial need, please come and speak to a
Financial Aid Advisor.
FALL October 30 > Open to designated programs, levels/terms and intake start dates
> The list of bursary eligible programs, levels/terms and intake start
dates is posted and available on October 1
Bursary application form available October 1
WINTER January 30 > Open to eligible Technology students enrolled in
Level/Term 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10
> Medical Laboratory – Level 5
> Nursing – Term 2, 5, 8
> Trades students who meet eligibility criteria
Bursary application form available January 2
SPRING June 30
> Open to designated programs, levels/terms and intake
start dates
> The list of bursary eligible programs, levels/terms and intake start
dates is posted and available on June 1
Bursary application form available June 1
Submit your completed application to Student Financial Aid and Awards by email to: sawards@bcit.ca